
How to create a Course Plan in KlickData KLMS

How to create a Course Plan in KlickData KLMS

How to create a Course Plan in KlickData KLMS

How to Create a Course Plan as an Administrator in KlickData KLMS.
The Course Plan is combining Material to learn, Tests to Validate, and a Survey to Feedback of how much learned. 

Update April 27, 2020. Create Course has been updated and simplified. 
Users can now also create Courses under the Manage menu. Users can add material, tests, and Surveys as separate items and put them together as Courses. Admin can assign Courses made to users, groups and set a timetable and reminders. Not covered in the video above.

See the video Nr 7. Create a Course Plan

This video was recorded on June 8, 2019. 
Note: Some FAQ info, design and functionality can be outdated due to the continuous development of the platform and the progress of making the user and admin experience better. 

Terminology of LMS - What does all terms in an LMS mean?

Terminology of LMS - What does all terms in an LMS mean?

An Academy is an area of the KLMS ruled by an Academy Administrator that has Users or Learners as members that need to log in for the functionality provided in the KLMS system. The Academy types can be Corporate Academy (CA), Educational Academy (EA), Governmental Academy (GA), or KlickData Academy (KA).

A company or organization that acquires a license to run a KLMS Academy (CA) from Klick Data or one of its distributors will have full control over the content provided within the Academy and will have the Company logo and information. The same applies to a GA with the city, government body, or an official department. And in the Educational Sector, An online KLMS Academy (EA) will provide the principals, professors, and teachers with the tool to teach students online and onsite with the Content of Material, Tests, Exams, and Surveys. 

In the KlickData Academy (KA), under the KlickData brand, individuals and small business owners can use the Open Courses created by publicly available Tutors. And also take the e-courses that Klick Data has produced. Tutors can produce and sell their courses, thus making the KlickData Academy a marketplace for people who want to teach online or have produced courses of quality others can be certified in. No matter the subject. 

Academy Administrator or short Admin
An Academy Administrator (AA), sometimes called Academy Account Administrator (AAA), organizes and supervises content, users, and progress in the learning management system KLMS. The Academy Admin can create users and assign resources within the database of material, tests, surveys, and e-courses. The AA can assign Course Plans to a user, a set of users, a group, or groups. Admins can also send emails and reminders to the above. And see group results and statistics. (Students or Staff employees). See Master Admin and Users. The types of AA van be CAA, EAA, or GAA. 

KLMS user admin master 200418

Add document 
Adding a document to KLMS means that this material is kept within the walls of KLMS and is not seen or reached by any outsiders. Documents in the form of Word files, PDFs, videos, etc., can be uploaded, and this material can then be studied by the users and be part of a Course Plan. See Add Link

Add link
Add link is used when you like to add material in digital form from the Internet. This link does not need to be private. It is public. Since most of the content that needs to be learned is already on the web, the idea of adding a link is to validate this information when it is turned into knowledge. And the admin can follow up that a person, a group, or the whole organization shares the information. Just sharing information is in no situation a guarantee it's been opened and understood. 

KLMS user admin master 200419

When you assign a Course to a Learner / AU (=Academy User) as an admin, you assign a Course to this AU to a mandatory end date. This Course is then mandatory for the Learner due to the requirement of the government, business practice, or the wish of the Manager or the Board of directors. If the AA recommends a Course, it has no end date to be completed.

Only a AA can assign a Course, but a friend can recommend you a Course on social media, by email, or within KLMS.
You can stream a resource like a Course, Test, Survey, or Event in the Sections. You can also stream on popularity (by the number of taken times), tags, categories, and recommendations. Or the order of your own priority, Sections are the window through which you present the vast content in the database of KLMS to the Learners for them to use the KLMS to learn new fantastic knowledge.

Authentication is verifying who someone is, whereas authorization is verifying what specific applications, files, and data a user has access to.

An author is a person who puts a course together. Like a DJ that puts songs together in a playlist, the author puts a course together. Without being involved in the creation of the material itself. The author as the role is different than the instructor (asynchronous learner) and teacher (synchronous teacher) 


Authoring Tool 
A tool to produce courses within the KLMS. To create with the Authoring Tool, you need to have the Admin privilege set by the KlickData account representative at your company/ organization/educational institution. 

Amazon Web Service. A cloud hosting solution that provides services like the KLMS and other international services online. 

Blended learning
Learning that both contain onsite training in a classroom and online training in front of a computer or smartphone. 

When you do a Study as an extended Survey, some answers like Yes and No lead you to different parts to continue. A Yes answer on Question 8 may lead to skipping Questions 9 and 10 and letting the user go directly to question 11, whereas answer No let the user answer 9 and 10. See Study

A category is a tag or index in which a material, test, or survey can be found. You can attach material, tests, or surveys to multiple categories for the users to find the proper subject when to take a course or involve this material, test, or survey into a Course Plan. 

A case is an assigned task that a teacher will review and monitor. It can be for the Learner to write something, record something or do something and post it to the teacher for a review. (sv. Uppgift). A Case is sent through the Message Center. 

A test that has a grading system with more than two options in KLMS has a Certificate as the result of a user learning effort. If a test has two levels of grade, it's called a Diploma Test. If it has more than one percentage level, it's called a Certification Test. Example Failed 50% or less correct, Passed 50-90% correct answers, Good over 90%. The levels are set by the Course Creator in a Grading System

A chapter is a part of a course with many lessons. It is also called a module in the KLMS terminology. 

A class is a group of Students. It can be a department of an organization. 

A client is a customer of Klick Data or a Distributor of KlickData. A Client has its own Academy and Academy Administrator, groups, and Academy Users. A client decides what access to defined content is regarding Academy User's Courses, Tests, Surveys, and functionality within the Academy domain. 

Closed Course
A course specifically made for an Academy and a specific set of users, groups, or all within companies, and these courses can be taken only for a specific period. The Opposite of Open Course

A collection is a gathering of Resources. Collections can be put in a Folder or in a Section. In KLMS, you can add any item to a Folder or a Section by hoovering the row in the Listings.

A coach is the same as a Teacher. The coach is an active part that the student, learner, or user can interact with synchronous communication. 

Color Code
When you create a new group in KLMS: You can input a valid color code and give the group a color so it's easy to separate them visually. A color code is then added from the hex system; see https://www.color-hex.com/

A part of the statistics is when you count the number of events of something.

A course is a combination of Material and Test: Something (link, document, Text) to be learned and then validated (Test) that it has been learned. And to be combined with a Survey to get feedback if it made sense and if the student learned something of value. Technically it could consist of only a Test or a Material. Or an Event.
Ex. If the user clicks on the OK after he or she takes part in reading a document (like Terms of Use): He has taken the course item "Terms of Use" and if this is all course items in the Course: The Course is technically over and "passed". 
Ex. 2. If a Course consists of Course Item 1: Material "Jack Ma Youtube video" and Course Item 2: "Alibaba Introduction Test", the Course is completed when the user accepts he has taken part in the video (despite perhaps not viewed it, but KLMS will have notified if open) and taken the Test, despite not passed the limit of Diploma based on the Grade System in the second item: The Test "Alibaba Introduction Test".

Course Items can be mandatory or complementary. A teacher can list books to read offline for the student to take the Course, but it's up to the student to buy or to lend the books at the library and to read the content. KLMS can not "proof" the student has opened the book, read, and understood the Material. A test can give the verification of knowledge required.  

For more information, see the separate article about Course in FAQ 

Course items
Course items are parts of the Course; Plural for Material, Tests, Events and Survey as a group. Ex. "The Course items are 7 in total and are divided into 3 Materials, 1 Event, 2 Tests,  and 1 Survey". 

Course Management System
A part of a Learning Management System that focuses on the creation of courses with authoring tools. 

KLMS Create Course Plan 200419

Course Plan
A course plan is a series of actions planned by an administrator with multiple Courses and a timeline for completion as assigned by an administrator. A course Plan has a user, or a group or groups attached, and a timeline and is combined with emails sent from KLMS with reminders to activate the course/ courses. The admin can follow progress on a user level and a group level. Users can produce a course but not a Course Plan. 
In Course Plan, you can create an activity that the user can/must perform and which you can follow up on with a reminder email. It could be one or many partial assignments that contain for example, going through the material, e-course or tests, and studies/ surveys.

The term courseware is an older term used in the Licence agreement software and refers to "videos (e-courses) from Klick Data AB in the form of CD-Rom, DVD, or VHS format or another form of digital equipment." In this "another form of digital equipment, the future when it was written implied use on a SAAS (Software as a Service) platform such as KlickData KLMS and Klickportalen K3. 

A landing page gives the user an overview of the KLMS system and the progress made in the Course Plans. Different roles have different Dashboards in KLMS. 

A distractor is an incorrect alternative in an MCQ. Typically an MCQ has four (4) alternatives. One (1) alternative is normally correct. And three (3) are usually wrong. These 3 incorrect are called distractors.
KLMS questions can have many but no distractors, with multiple correct answers. This is different from the WikiMaster system and the WOK dB, where it always is 1 correct answer and 3 distractors.
In KLMS, you get different points depending on how many correct alternatives you enter. If a, B and C is correct and "All of the Above" is the alternative in D, you will have more points if you answer A, B, and C or D than if you only have answered A or B.
To write good distractors is an art. Great MCQs have great distractors. Correct answers are very easy to enter. It is to fact-check. To enter great distractors is much more complicated. They need to be good as being the possible correct answer. Not too easy, not too hard. Reasonable. But not impossible. Alexandria is the second-largest city in Egypt. But what would the distractors be? Unknown cities in Egypt? Or large cities in other neighboring countries? Or tourist attractions in Egypt? Many quiz shows, such as "How to be a millionaire," expose. Sometimes you need to call a friend because the distractors are so good. 

Diploma test
A test in KLMS can be of three (3) kinds. Participation, Diploma, or Certification. A Diploma Test has a pass limit set by the Creator. Either you pass this limit with a percentage of correct answers or points made correct and get the Diploma, or you don't pass the Diploma test limit and do not get a Diploma. If failed, you get a Participation Note in the system. The Academy Account Administrator or the Course Creator can set the Diploma Test certifier. The Diploma level can be set to zero correct answers by the Creator, thus upgrading participation to a Diploma. See more in What is a course?

KLMS eCourse Win10 200419

Data protection impact assessment. A process used to identify and evaluate the potential risks to the privacy of individuals resulting from a proposed processing of personal data. 

A person who educates and transports knowledge online or onsite (face-to-face) to a person or a group asynchrony or synchronously. The different types of educators are defined in KLMS as instructor (asynchronous) and teacher (synchronic). The head of a Course deciding the End result / Grade is technically an educator; see tutor and author. See the comparison article at FAQ 

An e-course is, in KLMS terminology, a video tutorial with a teacher in front of a camera explaining a subject like computer software skills. This e-course is historically typically produced by KlickData with a video player that makes it possible to navigate within the video on searchable subjects and a menu structure using the KlickData course player. Since 1992 KlickData has produced over 500 video tutorials (mainly in Swedish), and the same structure has been applied to the Swedish market. In the 2020s, most eLearning in KLMS is produced without KlickData being the producer. A short name would be "a high-end produced course." Customers can order courses produced by Klick Data as a company or produce an e-course with the authoring tool. Read more in a separate article about our story and heritage as a company within the EdTech industry that has gotten us a Global Award for our achievements.

KLMS grade system 200419

An editor is the course creator. It's the Author. This is not the same role as the Publisher. The Publisher is the "Editor-in-chief" of the Course, while the Editor is "the journalist." An editor can be the Publisher and publish the Course in the Academy he has access to or into KOL (Klick Data Open Library).  

An event is a part of a Course with a location in time and space; it can be an onsite event, like a gathering in a classroom. It can be a telephone conference, a webinar taking place, a Facebook Live event or Microsoft Teams, or a Zoom video conference. Being a part of a Course, an event can be mandatory or complementary. An Event can be alone or as a part of many other course resources. A course can have many events in the Course Plan. 

A filter is a specific part of the search in KLMS. When you search for a tag, you click on the filter for tags to limit the search from being global. Filter helps reduce the time to find the resource you like. 

Flipped classroom 
The flipped classroom, also called Flipped Training, is a term associated with blended learning but even more so. The online courses are used actively in the classroom, and often flipped training start with the homework and an online assignment and are summarized in the classroom. In the KLMS, flipped training is connected with the resource Event as part of a Course with a Teacher involved who actively gives feedback and is separated from the role of the oneway communicator of the instructor. 

A folder is a container with many resources of different kinds. You can add Material, e-course, course, SCORm, Survey, Test, and Event in a Folder, and then as an admin, allow this Folder to be visible for a Learner to be searched for within the Academy or viewed in a Section. 

Global Search
A search in KLMS for finding a Course can be done in sections but also in Global Search: Depending on user roles: Global Search can find and display: Users, Groups, Courses, Surveys, Tests, E-Courses, Materials, Folders, Sections, Tags, and Categories. The results will be displayed in Sections. 

KLMS FAQ AA global Search 201209

Grade system
A Grade system is a level from the teacher making a Test Passed. If you have 75% correct as a level for Diploma, the admin sets this. Perhaps A+ is 95%, A is 90% correct, etc., and Fail is 40%. The Grade level sets this—so different Grade Systems for different purposes and clients. You want a Manager in Chornobyl to have 100% correct on the test of how to run a nuclear plant while reading an Environmental Policy or a Terms of Service for Software with just a click of "Read" without a test.

KLMS user landning 200418

Group Admin
A group admin is a teacher or a manager at a lower level than the Admin in KLMS. An admin sees the menu above the Dashboard. Above a Group admin is the Main admin, and under is a User. Group admins can have a set of different admissions to the system ruled by the Main administrator's settings.

The instructor in the Course is the person who is the narrator. He or she will lead the Student or Learner through the Course. He can be the Teacher, but the teacher is a different role per definition since you can interact with a teacher during an event or send a teacher an uploaded assignment. The role of the instructor is more like David Attenborough; he leads you during the course, but you can't ask him any questions and get his feedback. Instructors are oneway communicators of knowledge in the definition (asynchronous). Teachers are, on the other hand, two ways (synchronic). In a Course, you can have a Teacher for an event and another Instructor for a video. Hence, we at KlickData separate the roles and use the words Instructor and Teacher differently. Tiger Woods can teach anyone to swing a golf club on YouTube, but he can't tell you how to fix your swing from where you are currently unless he is a teacher and stand next to you on the tee and give you personal advice. The EdTech industry at large does not separate these roles clearly enough. Hence the need for onsite education or at least live events and webinars on Zoom or Microsft Teams will always be relevant. 

A shorter name for Klickportalen K3. The first generation LMS from Klick Data, with 1.8 million e-courses served. The predecessor to KLMS. One of the domains of Klick Data is http://k3.io 

Klick Data
Klick Data refers to
a. the Swedish public company Klick Data AB (publ), incorporated on Dec 30, 1988. Since 1992 working in the educational digital industry, today is known as the EdTech Industry. 
b. The company Klick Data has produced e-courses and created a SAAS for hosting courses, e-courses, tests, and surveys for online training that has become the same name for millions of Swedes. "KlickData " is therefore commonly known as the SAAS it provides. A klickdata-course is for many old clients in Sweden from the past, the same as a "video tutorial in software training." Delivered on a unit. 
c. The common name for the 2nd generation platform is "KlickData KLMS." 

KD KOL sv generell b 201029

Klick Data Open Library
Courses within the ecosystem of Klick Data that administrators, tutors, and Learners produce in KLMS and make accessible globally, so one Academy can share content. For the general good (non-profit=free) and commercial reasons (for-profit by setting a price on the Courses). It is Klick data Public Domain. 

Klickportalen or Klickportalen K3 is a SAAS for KlickData launched in December 2004. Since the start, 1.8 million e-courses have been delivered in the Swedish market in this Learning Management System (LMS). See K3

The abbreviation for KlickData Learning Management System is also called KlickData KLMS or, among many just "KlickData" "We are using KlickData." 

Choose menus in many languages in KLMS. The menus and structures are currently in April 2022 and have been translated into Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Yoruba, Portuguese, Ukraine, and Tamil. (11) Anything that needs to be learned and validated that it has been learned is possible to use in KLMS. 

KLMS 7languages 200419

 Learning field
An in-depth description of the answer, why the answer was reached, and perhaps a description of why some of the alternatives listed were wrong for the user to understand the context and learn. The field is also meant to get to the correct answer by linking it in the right direction, like Wikipedia articles that might cover the information needed for understanding more and having the correct answer next time. Sometimes also referred to as Information. Currently (April 2020) not yet in KLMS but WikiMaster and K3.

A lesson is a part of a course. It consists of one or a few tasks in KLMS. A lesson is more of an asynchrony instruction than a task. In a lesson, the learner gets information without their involvement in making actions. You listen to a lecture in a lesson, whereas you might be involved in something you need to do in a task. Synonym to a Chapter. 

The word "license" implies the right to allow a person to use the courseware or the system KLMS or K3 as a SAAS.  "The number of licenses corresponds to the number of purchased units or the number of licenses obtained according to a specific agreement with Klick Data AB. " This is a description from the Licence Agreement that units and licenses were connected. In a Site License agreement from Klick Data, the number of Academy Users is set by the Site License agreements and the Services provided in the SAAS. 

Abbreviation for Learning Management Systems. Platform online for learning. E-learning. Online Education. A system for organizations to educate and validate knowledge among staff, distributors, and customers to reach higher ROI

Abbreviation for Learning Experience Platform. A system for learning designed to target the individual learning plan and ensure the company's role is in line with other companies' expectations for knowledge experienced. If one position in the company has an experience profile and this profile is extended to another similar one, the LXP will suggest Courses to be taken for the user to match the position. This will enhance the staff members that the company provides the necessary skillset for him and allow them to move to other positions in the organization and the World and not lag due to a weak digital online education strategy. Its a buzzword, of course, like many others, but it forces the buyers of an LMS to make sure the functionality of Open Courses, Recommended Courses, and Assigned Courses are available and that AI will be used to suggest similar Courses available for the individual to move on and become more attractive to a future employer. It's connected and part of the CSR strategy. 

Make Public Courses
When you are finished with the Course creation process and have added Study Material, Tests, and Surveys as Course Items, you can Save the Course. You then have some options. When you click "Save,"; the Course will be given a name with a timestamp, and you can go back and edit it later. When you click on Publish and have the option of Make Public checked: The Course will be available in the Library for others in the Academy to use without the assignment from an Academy Admin. If the Course is to be assigned: You can uncheck the Make Public and make the assignment to an individual Academy User or many Academy Users or assign it to a Group, like a department or a class. You can also Assign to all Academy Users in the Organization.
If you don't assign at first due to the fact you don't know the time and date. You can Publish it to be Taken or click Save to make the Course Stay Private. Picking up a Course for later assignments is easy. Just go to My Courses to see your created Course or pick from the Library. You can change content by copying the existing Library to make alternations.

KLMS Master 200419

Master (Settings)
Master Admin (MA) is the Head of the whole KLMS System: The KlickData Master is setting up new customers and Academies. It's not for a normal Academy Admin or User to touch. The Customer's head is an Academy Administrator: A school principal or an HR department Manager. The customer's users or admins do not visually see this part. It's for Klick Data and its Distributors. See List of Master Admin functions

Abbreviation for a Multiple Choice Question. A question with choices where one or many choices are the correct answer. Used in many trivia apps and game shows and has a significant advantage in the learning process. In KLMS, Over 504000 MCQs are available to retrieve in the creating process of creating Quiz and Tests by the index of Wikipedia articles. MCQs are both used in Surveys and Tests. MCQs can be created freely in KLMS and contain images related to the MCQ or alternatives. MCQs can be displayed with a random display option of alternatives in random order or displayed in the order of how they were created. 

A message is sent inside the Message center in KLMS. Chat, Case and Tickets can be created, and dialog with text and attachments can be made similar to Skype Chat or email within the KLMS system. 

A module is a set of many tasks within a Course. It's the main part of a Course. Tasks can be divided into modules or separated without being divided into modules. It's the plural of tasks. A basket of parts in the Course. A chapter or a lesson can be divided into many parts. 

Abbreviation for Massive Open Online Courses. A wide collection of course content. Like Klick Data Open Library, KOL.

Nano course
A nano course (nanocourse) (swe. nanokurs, nano kurs) is a short learning session. They are used as a term for learning on demand. A synonym is a micro course (micro-course, microcourse). There is no exact definition of the length of a nano-course, but an estimate would give it no more than 3 minutes. The "shortening" of content has recently been a trend on the Internet with Tiktok, Reels, and Shorts on YouTube. It has given Edtech the nano course as a buzzword. Technically, a Material pr Lesson in KLMS is a Nano course.  Synonyms for Blocks are taken separately. You could argue that many Nano Courses in plural will render a full course. 

Open Course 
A course created by a user or admin can be opened. An open course is a Course created with no date or time restrictions. The Course is Open in the Library for the Academy Users to take the Course at any time. An Open Course can be taken without the assignment of an admin inside KLMS. The course is open to be taken by other users or groups. An Open course can be public in a sense the Course is open not only within the company or organization account but for all other accounts within the KLMS universe. The opposite is the Closed Course.

An organizer, in the terminology of KLMS, is a person who puts an event together. This person is usually included in the learning process, i.e., in the transport of information from a person who knows the information and the person who will soon know the information. An organizer can be the teacher or the tutor (primary teacher) of the event, but he or she can also be the host as a person or the enterprise or company that hosts the event without being involved in the teachings. Just as an author of an online course (like a DJ) can put the course together without being an instructor or teacher in any of the lessons or modules. ("no music produced"). Hence: An organizer can bluntly speak "know nothing" and have other persons presenting a webinar, a conference, or a speech at a live event.

If you take a Course in full, you get a Participation note in the KLMS for the effort. Participation is the lightest form of Grade resulting from a Course or a Test. The creator can make different tasks and parts in the Course Plan, like Materials, Tests, and Surveys. If the user starts a Course item and completes this item, he has participated in this part of the course. The most accessible form of Participation is to click Start, and when the user feels he has completed the task, he clicks "Done." If all course items are taken, the entire Course is done, and the user has a Participation note for the full Course. 
If a Test is set with a grade System of either a Diploma Test or Certification and the user does not pass the limit set for a Diploma or a Grade, the Participation "grade" is given to the user in KLMS. A failed test renders Participation in this case.  Statistics of started and completed courses, tests, and surveys are handled for comparison over time and semester for the Academy Admins. In groups and the organization. Participation is a measurement of usage. 
Often, the managers send information to staff members and do not need it for testing. The information on how many have taken part in the information and read the information is sufficient. And it gives the people within the organization or outside, like applicants, distributors, or customers who have not read some vital information, a reminder. 

Abbreviation for Participation. Diploma and Certification. The result of a Final Test in a Course. 

A presenter is a person that orally or in video presents (the course), and he or she can be the author, teacher, or instructor, but also a separate person. A presenter introduces the course with the goal and the content and also wraps the course. In the Klick data e-courses (video tutorials) format, the presenter is the instructor and introduces and wraps the modules. In Swedish: the PÅA (swe: påannonsering) is the term for the introduction part, and AVA (swe: avannonsering) for the wrap. A course with a Presenter is like a gift with wrapping. It adds a value that can't be easily described as necessary from a logical and rational viewpoint, but it's like a room with or without flowers. You miss it when it's not there. 

The Publisher is the responsible person or juridical organization behind a Course. It is not the same role as the Tutor, Instructor, or Editor. They can be the same person, but not always. A Publisher must have admin privileges in KLMS. The Publisher can moderate a course created by an Editor if the Editor has a lower privilege in KLMS.  

Short abbreviation for Question. Usually, an MCQ is a Multiple Choice Question. Used in Tests and Surveys. 

KLMS add question full 200419

A question in KLMS is a part of a Test or a Survey. Questions can be multiple-choice questions (MCQ) with one correct answer (also called SCQ) or multiple correct answers. The creator of a test can set different points in each alternative. These alternatives can even have negative values. Questions can have 0-9 alternatives. A question can also be a fill-in question where the user needs to write an answer. The question can have a description and in-depth information before the question is to be taken/ answered, and learning information after the Question or test has been answered for fact-checking and more learning to fill in the missing knowledge. 

Question Description
A Question Description is a field that deepens the background and information for the user to solve the question. It could be a text to read. A mathematical problem or a visual picture, or a combination. Or a long question that is longer than the usual question displayed on a mobile or smartphone, hence not displayed together with the alternatives. 
Question Description

KLMS add image 200419

Question image:
A question (MCQ- Multiple Choice Question) is displayed for the user with an image that the test creator can upload and attach to the question. An image can also be added to a Quiz=Test 

KLMS Create new test 200419

A Quiz is technically the same as a Test. KLMS use Test in the Courses. The test is the Course Item that normally will lead to a reward such as Participation, Diploma, or Certification (PDC). Test sounds more serious for many people and more academic. Quiz sounds more trivia. It's in the eyes of the beholder. KlickData has chosen the terminology of the Test for the part where you end the Course. And have Quiz as a part of the Learning Process. Study Quiz is a learning event rather than an Examination Event. Both tests and quizzes are defined as Questions (MCQ) collected.

The email address of someone who is to receive a mail about a Course Plan

Reminder Body
When you send an email to a user and remind him to take a Course or a Task within a Course Plan, you write a text in the Body of the message. Hence the term Reminder Body.

KLMS reorder 200419

With the reorder function, you drag and drop the Questions in the order you like them to appear in the resource, like moments, materials, lessons or modules in a course or questions in a test. 

In a learning management system, different roles of users have different authorities and access to information, menus, content, functions, and parts of the system. KLMS is no exception. KLMS roles are explained in a separate article about roles. Other systems have different definitions. 

SAAS is an abbreviation for "Software as a Service". The terminology refers to delivering software over the internet based on a subscription model. In the EdTech business, Klick Data has been since 1992 and has SAAS as its core business model since 2004 at the launch of the platform K3. 

Service Level Agreement. Definitions of the number of services running. 

Additional Definitions within SLA: includes
“Deployment Minutes” is the total number of minutes that a given API Management Service instance has been deployed in a system like KLMS during a billing month.
“Maximum Available Minutes” is the sum of all Deployment Minutes across all API Management Service instances deployed by Customers in a given KLMS subscription during a billing month.
“Proxy” is the component of the API Management Service responsible for receiving API requests and forwarding them to the configured dependent API.
“Downtime” is the total number of minutes within the Maximum Available Minutes during which the API Management Service is unavailable. A minute is considered unavailable for a given API Management instance if all continuous attempts to perform operations through the Proxy throughout the minute result in either an Error Code or do not return a Success Code within five minutes.
“Monthly Uptime Percentage” is calculated as the Maximum Available Minutes less Downtime divided by the Maximum Available Minutes multiplied by 100.
"Monthly Uptime %" = (Maximum Available Minutes - Downtime) / Maximum Available Minutes x 100

A system within the EdTech industry to export and import content in a format that makes Courses and content compatible across the industry and various platforms used since the beginning of the Century. SCORM stands for “Sharable Content Object Reference Model.” Read more about SCORM. In KLMS, you can import SCORM courses from other systems to maintain and enhance the ROI of previous investments in productions with the benefits of the award-winning system of KLMS. It also gives the clients of Klick Data security to bring forward the courses to other systems (god forbids...! ) in the future.   

A Section is a part of the Dashboard with content displayed for the Academy User for the Library of Courses, Material, Test and Surveys to be displayed as well as the Academy Users Progress. It's the landing page parts and starting point for the navigation in KLMS. 

A name of a Course, A material, Test, or a Survey. It’s the Headline of the Object.

A survey gives the HR department feedback on the course. Was it useful? Was it interesting? Will it change the way forward in work/ the way you do things etc.? But that's just the tip of the iceberg; A survey does more than find out what an individual, group, or organization thinks about a course or a topic in the organization in one or several questions.  With a survey, one often uses demographic questions to be able to separate what, for example, men/women, different age groups, or departments have answered. The statistics part of a survey entails using blocks of questions with the same number and similar phrasing in the answer options. It usually contains, at the most, one final question where the participant can leave freely formulated opinions, thoughts, or suggestions. 

KLMS stats 200418

Statistics is an overview of the results. In KLMS, users' statistics show their progress compared to the group (a class or division in the company). The admin can also see statistics on a group or company level to track investments in the education taken. 

A study is deeper in its structure than a Survey and investigates a specific subject med with different follow-up questions depending on which answer was given in the previous question. In KLMS, you can split a Study and ask follow-up questions if there are yes or no answers. (Ex. Question 7 is answered Yes, then the user moves forward to Question 11, while those who answered No move to questions 8,9,10 for a deeper understanding of opinions, see Branching). With Surveys, the KLMS is giving information from Users to Management apart from KLMS being an educating tool for Management to educate the staff members or Students. It works both ways. In short, a survey lets you know >what a group of individuals think about a question in a more strict form like yes/ no or defined choices. A Study explains how a group of individuals think about a question in more depth with open questions and free answers.

The word "unit" is an older term from the time when Klick Data content produced by Klick Data was delivered in a physical form. In our Licence agreement, this was referred to as "this agreement is considered a CD-Rom, DVD and/or a VHS/videocassette as well as possible extra HD diskettes.". The abstract use of the knowledge transformation was separated from the physical units that were transporting the digital recordings. Some of our loyal clients have still units in circulation and licenses.

A user is a member of the KLMS. Also a synonym for Learner. An account holder. It is a staff member assigned by an admin and can use Klick Data Learning Management System, KLMS, via login with a name (mail address) and a password. Users can create content by adding material, text instructions (Ex. "Attend a lesson," "Read a book"), a link (any digital link on the Internet with some information to be learned), A test (quiz with multiple-choice questions, fill in a test, etc.) or a survey. Users can not Create Course Plans unless being upgraded to a group admin. A user can consume courses and materials. An admin is also a user since he or she can access the KLMS as a Study platform and choose this from the top bar menu system. 

An assignment of something the user shall do within a Course. It can be read as an article, book, or link. Or take a test or Survey. It's a single part of a Course. From the user's perspective, the task is technically a single task as a course item. Many tasks put together inside a Course is called a Module. A synonym but not as much used is a lesson. Or Blocks. 

A two-way communicator of knowledge. A Tutor or Educator. A teacher teaches and educates you as an instructor does. The instructor instructs while the Teacher, in the KLMS definition, is a person you can communicate back within a Course and get feedback from. Onsite, on a live event like a Zoom or Teams meeting, or by feedback in the chat or WhatsApp. A teacher instructs just as an Instructor but also works as a mentor to make information into knowledge and skills. A Knowledge Guide. A person who is active in the Course by being available on chat, setting assignments, or uploading file reviewer. You can make a private comment on a Test from a Learner. 
Note: The teacher is not the same as a Course creator, Publisher, or Editor. This person is an active person IRL who will help students to learn. The Course Instructor can be a passive person as a guide inside a course by an introduction and come up in between parts of the course to guide; he shows up on the screen but students cant communicate back to the Course Instructor. You can, however, communicate with the Teacher. So it's a different role and it has implications for Events. (a Learning Experience in time and place) . For example, a course instructor can be a narrator on-screen or off-screen. like David Attenborough (definition of a Course Instructor in the KLMS sense) in "BBC: The Living Planet", but DA is not a Teacher in the sense you can send him your thoughts and he will reply and guide you and tell you what to do during the Course in an LMS.

KLMS FAQ Teacher 201211

A series of questions MCQs or other types of Questions put together is called a Test. Technically it can also be called a Quiz (Qz). A test verifies that information in the Study Material is transformed into knowledge in the head of the user. 

The test can be a routine Test during the Course. A test is called a Quiz before it is a Final Test. This final test wraps the Course and when the result is given, the Course is done. Depending on the Test Grade System, the Course is passed with a PArticipation Note, a Diploma, or a Certification. This result of a Test is set by the Test creator or the Course Creator or an Academy Admin. 

A test can be a Study Tool and a part of the Material in the sense it's designed for learning purposes only. Such a Test is called a Study Quiz. During the Study Quiz (technically a Test from the perspective of KLMS), the user will have information and guidance on what to read and complement information and material in order to understand and answer correctly after submission of the Question is done. 

Ex. A Study Quiz has 10 questions. Each Question has learning fields filled in by the Creator of the Test. The Learning field opens after the Question is answered. The learning field has guidance and directs the user were to learn with more information and "the correct answer" (sv. facit). If answered incorrectly, the user can continue to get the right answer filled in and move on to the next. As the name suggests; this is a Study tool and not a final validation or verification of knowledge.  

A test can also be a labyrinth test. This is the "evil cousin" of the Study Test. Why so? Well. It's harder. No help is given. The Labyrinth Test assumes you know the Material and are aiming for 100% correct. No learning field is given. If the user answers one question wrong, he or she will need to start all over again. When finishing a labyrinth Test, the user will then have 100% correct and finish time. This requires all knowledge in the Course to be in the head.  

KLMS MCQ 200419

KLMS Wikipedia questions 200419

A ticket is an alert sent through the KLMS system through the Message system with information about something needing a change. It could be something that does not work, crashes, UX issues, missing information, or weak language. Anything unclear for the users can be alerted, and a ticket is created and dealt with in the message center so the issues (tickets) can be solved by authorized persons related to the ticket. The ticket creates a chat dialog inside KLMS. 

The tutor is the Main Teacher in a Course. If many onsite events have different teachers, the Tutor is the primary Teacher who hosts the Course or Event. If it's a webinar, he or she sends the link and hosts the video call. A course can have many lessons, parts, modules, and blocks with different teachers and instructors, but only one is the Course Tutor, which can be the Student contact part. The tutor is in the KLMS context, a synchronous part that interacts with the students alongside the Teacher role. 

Questions can be imported at creating a test by the Import MCQ from WOK / WikiMaster function. This database of 500000 multiple Choice Questions is created by the World of Knowledge (WOK) project on top of Wikipedia. Questions imported from the WOK database (dB) are multiple-choice questions with 4 alternatives and only one correct and three incorrect answers. They are indexed by Wikipedia-related articles. Writing a Wikipedia article as a search term displays how many questions exist, and importing the questions makes it easy to create tests based on school and fact-based subjects. For companies, this database will not cover the internal way of standard procedures; thus, creating questions by writing them is the option. 

For search : Sv. Terminologi termer vad betyder


Can I get a demo of the K3 KlickData AI LMS ?

Can I get a demo of the K3 KlickData AI LMS ?

Demo flow for a review of KlickData KLMS.

The learning platform KlickData KLMS was built with a vision. To provide the organization with the most powerful and simplest learning platform for digital education to validate knowledge and provide the most ROI of all platforms for knowledge on the market. With over 30 years of experience in digital education, KlickData has the competence to be the strategic partner that gives your company/municipality/school/organization the support you need to develop your business.

This page is a guide to how the system works and can be seen in peace and quiet here online or reviewed with one of our partners who sell KlickData KLMS in your area. The guide is used for our reviews and demonstrations across Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams. and is used as a repetition. The site is also used in evaluations and comparisons in public procurement.

We thank you for the confidence of having come this far in your process of finding a learning system that suits you in the market and hope that you are curious to continue with us in your development work to become a better organization that solves your business goals.

Demo on Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams for KlickData KLMS

1. Open the K3, also known as KLMS

  • Describe white labeling and the fact that all customers of K3 get their academy with their logo tailored for every client's need.
  • All users (AU = Academy Users) have activated their accounts using a two-way procedure and an activation email from KLMS.
  • Describe the landing page / Overview with Sections
  • Describe the global search function that provides an overview of different types of resources that are easily found. You can also scroll and search the catalog
  • Explain the Manager's view / Administrator's menu (AA, Academy Admins, which is not a user = AU), display green menus, and return to the darkblue ones for users.

2. User sections for Learners

  • Content is displayed in Sections with Courses as the first Tab, and your activity is displayed in the second tab Activity. 
  • The Admin carefully chooses all Sections. It's the front window of the database of courses and learning resources. 
  • The admin partly customizes the Activity Tab. The difference between Started, Recommended, Assigned, and Completed courses in the Activity tab is to be noted. 
  • Other sections are similar to Netflix or HBO, with clear sections for different content categories. 
  • Explain that the administrator decides all content in the sections for the company/municipality/school/organization's academy, so everything is customized at the individual level. 
  • Show Admin / Settings / Sections / Content / Turn on turn off sections / Turn on and assign group a section for assignment and the concept of LXP 
  • Toggle back and go to the Learner level and show how fast it directly reflects.
  • Note that all basic settings are straightforward to adapt so that what is visible and available in courses for the employees is easy to find.

3. Klick Data Open Library (KOL) with open Courses

  • Show List View / and Picture View in Sections. 
  • Compared with Netflix, which has thousands of movie titles, The same goes for Klick Data, which builds courses that many people benefit from and can be found by searching even if they are not visible on the landing page, even if you scroll. 
  • Show Global Search and Catalog Search 
  • The library of courses that Klick Data's customers and Klick Data have created in KLMS can be available to the academy at the company, group, or individual levels. You can have different Settings for one administration versus another based on what the organization and the departments need to learn.
  • Courses are available at one academy, and many are located in Klick Data Open Library (KOL), the open corporate library. The administrator is the moderator and can remove courses that do not fit.

4. Creating Content and Courses 

KD FAQ sv kurs overview description 201105

  • All producers of courses today have become in a broader sense as it is so easy to create courses online. Just like everyone else is involved in creating media on social platforms. KlickData believes in a flat organization in KLMS but has settings for organizations where the HR department has clear guidelines on what they want to focus on within their training strategy.
  • That's why we have added the Create menu in the user section. This menu can be turned off if you do not want the employees to create and only take courses. There are different business environments. KLMS suits everyone.
  • Available courses are supplemented daily with courses created by Klick Data and by users at academies other than Klick Data's own and which are published publicly. (See publish publicly)
  • Ex. A municipality can do an interesting course on Work Environment, which other municipalities can then use and vice versa. The users and administrators of an academy can publish courses that their academy only has access to or can publish to all academies.
  • Describe the three types of resources: Course Materials, Tests, and Surveys.
  • Add course material by asking the customer you demo for what they see as enjoyable to have education in for their academy.
  • Describe how all types of digital documents can be created.
  • Create a course material by googling a suitable link, inserting this link, naming it with a title, and Publishing the link. Explain that the creative process allows you to collect material at one time and put together courses at a later time. The same is true when creating tests. It can be reached without the requirement of linearity.
  • Explain how you, with Events, can create video meetings, webinars, hall training, and other course events that are tied to time and space and that not only have a one-way instructor but a two-way communicating teacher that you can interact with within teaching, which is called flipped classrooms. flipped training) in technical language.

5. Take a course / Show what a course looks like in KLMS

  • Open a course and see the Course Description page (CI)
  • Start a course. See the course overview and where you, as a course participant, are on a started course.
  • Go through a part of a course, a course material. Show finish by entering in the popup if you want to continue later.
  • Show that KLMS remembers where you are in a movie. This worked in 2003, before YouTube's era in the old Click Portal. Of course, it works even now, two decades later. But it is very practical, and everyone expects it to work that way today. Mark the step as completed. "I'm done with the moment."
  • Take a test. Explain the multiple-choice mode. End the test so that you see the situation to go through the questions and the correct answers to give an overview.
  • Explain how you can set a limit to pass at 80% and set a level for passing to get a diploma. 
  • Go through a survey. Explain that the feedback can not only be used on courses but can be used as customer surveys, employee surveys
  • Return to the Results Section and note your part.

6. Show admin mode so the administrator can get an overview 

  • See via the admin section how the basic parts for an overview are provided with Statistics, Accounts, Content, and Settings.
  • Go to Accounts to describe generally which resources are assigned.
  • Describe the import of the users and tell us about our automated routines via SSO and sFTP with our larger companies that work internationally.
  • Describe language modes with nine different languages ​​and how easy it is to jump between different language modules if you are an international company.

7. Be sure to assign courses

  • Open Admin / Accounts / Assign and explain the view that the administrator has to assign courses and other resources such as e-courses, course materials, tests, and questionnaires to groups and individuals.
  • Describe the difference between having a course that you have been assigned and "Should" or "Must" go or take versus a course that you "Can" take and that is available.
  • Accessibility and Assignment are the difference between what you are expected to be able to develop your competence in and what you have the opportunity to train in. The concept of recommended, assigned, and open courses and their differences for the organization.
  • What the company wants and what you want is not the same thing, and KLMS handles this clearly.
  • The term LXP. Learning Experience Platform, an individualized training plan managed by the administrator.
  • See an overview of which courses have been assigned to a group or an individual with a deadline follow-up on how the group is doing and show the reminder function. / Admin / Content / Assign

8. User management with accounts for companies

  • Show how the import function for the administrators works and also explain the auto script that larger customers use to automate this process via secure sFTP where the HR department's user system is synchronized automatically with KlickData LMS.
  • Talk about SSO 
  • View Import Templates, Import History, and Import Users.
  • Show the simplicity of posting a user and sending activation emails.
  • Show how users can be assigned resources such as courses that suit the group and the individual.

9. An in-depth study of the Administration section and rounding off of the demo

  • This far into the demo, it usually is time for a break, and within the framework of what you can do with it, the "demo will soon be over".
  • Please send this link to this article to the (future) academy manager so that he can go through KLMS in peace on his own and botanize in the FAQ section. Today, most people do their "homework" before contacting companies. (Do not be surprised if they already know this FAQ page)
  • Other suitable descriptions and explanations are:
  • Activation of users who have been inactive for a while or never logged in for the first time.
  • An LMS today is expected of today's employees as part of what the company can offer the employee. A hygiene factor. (CSR)
  • About our Blog and website. Is there a need for a home language online in Arabic? What does it look like (Situation questions)
  • Make an appointment for additional next contact.

10.  About the company and Klick Data's history as well as background and founder / Exit

  • Tell us even before it is over that Klick Data recently (Dec 2019) won an award as GFEL Top 50 Organizations in Education and provides customer references and that we have been around since 1992 with digital education as a leading company in online education.
  • The company Klick Data was founded by Erik Bolinder, who also won an international award as Top 100 in Education 2019 and an Award for CXO in 2024 and returned as CEO of Klick Data 2020 after working on a global charity project (WOK) for 10 years and developing Wikipedia with gamification.
  • K3 KLMS is already available in multiple languages but has been developed in Sweden by a Swedish company, with Sweden in focus for municipalities, companies, authorities, and larger organizations.
  • K3 KLMS is perfect for global Fortune 500 companies. As well as a medium-sized organization for 300 users.
  • Online education provides excellent environmental benefits when transport to course premises disappears. Course costs for all onsite are saved, and there are time savings with salaries, allowances, and overnight stays, even in times when pandemics do not force us not to be seen physically.
  • Having your tailored online academy for your organization is the key for employees and the attraction of furthering their education as part of the strategic CSR.
  • Simplicity is our keyword at Klick Data. The word that all our DNA is circling.


Definition of Online Courses in terms of the length

Definition of Online Courses in terms of the length

Klick Data definition may differ from other LMS systems, but we like to define what we talk about in terms of courses. One strong trend is that the time for education is divided into shorter and shorter periods. The term nano course or micro course has long been a hot trend in the EdTech industry. 

The difference between Nano Course (Nano-course) and Micro Course (Micro-course) is, in our experience, diffuse and unclear. In most cases, they are "the same" We like to differentiate them by a more explicit time frame to make order in our communication with our clients. If the business standards of terminology change, we will adopt them. 

Klick Data system KLMS offers the full range of these alternatives. 

  • Nano Course  3 min (or up to 3 min)
  • Micro Course  3*3 min = 9 min  (or up to 9 min)
  • Lesson: 6*3 min  18 min  (+ introduction and end summary of 1-2 min)
  • Speed Course  3 * Micro Course  30 min 
  • Course (or a Full Course): 6 Lessons 6*18min  ≈ 2hrs 

A lesson could also be a synonym for a module. A video has a definite time length, like 8 min and 4 seconds (8m 4s). But the time to learn a subject (TTL) is playtime or read time + practice time. This is much more of an estimate. 

We also have an extra added time for the introduction (by a host) and summary at the end. 

The above time frames are based on playtime. We use it for reference and not as absolute terms. This page will also develop over time. 

  • Course Plan: Multiple Courses of different kinds during a time period leading to an exam of any kind 

The framework for a video tutorial based on time

The framework of the video tutorials (e-courses)

To give you a framework for the Klick Data Video Tutorial made in 1992, we made all of them between 1992-2013 in this format. 

1. Overview/ Introduction (by host or instructor) : 3 min (maximum) about the 6 lessons 
2. Short music break for 15-20 sec 
3. Lesson one overview/ introduction (about lesson 1) 
4. Lesson 1 Nano 1 (nano or L1N1 or 1.1) 
4b. Small summary in 15-20 sec to bridge to L1S2 
5. Lesson 1 Nano 2 (nano or L1N2 or 1.2) 
6. Repeat for L1N3, L1N4, L1N5, and L1N6, each of 3 min ending up the lesson of 18 min 
7. Summary of L1 in 30 sec - 1 min and a bridge to L2. 
8. Music and Quiz Questions with Quiz answers with 3-6 questions during 1-2 min. If there is no action from the learner; it's like linear television that furthers to move to the next as a long video just to be watched
9. Lesson two overview/ introduction (about lesson 2): Repeat 2-8 for L2. 
10. Repeat 9 in L3-L6 
11. Summary of Course (SoC for 1-2 min 
12. Music and credentials 
= 2 hours e-course 

For more details in terminology, see FAQ about Terminology


Do KLMS learning platform cooperate with other HR system with a working API?

Do KLMS learning platform cooperate with other HR system with a working API?

Klick Data has 30 years of experience in solving large, midsize, and small organizations' needs for adjusting our learning management system to the existing HR system in use. The solution is to work through API with information coming into KLMS like the current situation of employees on the payroll. We have a long tracking list of smoothness and automatic solutions for this kind of API solution with secure and working automatic sFTP solutions. 

A daily routine checking newly arrived employees from the HR system giving Single Sign-On (SSO) access to KLMS as well as export of results in the KLMS back to the HR system in use for the client's needs. No system so far has been too complicated to solve. No matter what you use in your company; we will provide a solution that works for you. 

Our long list of internationally well-known brands and clients is giving our future clients the assurance that KLMS works as part of an integrated data-driven solution for any company. 

The system KLMS can communicate with other applications (send and retrieve data) via different kinds of web services like XML/SOAP/WSDL. 

KD clients 107 en 220129

See how to import users manually if you don't have an automatic setup.


Explain the Public Library (KOL) in KlickData KLMS

Explain the Public Library (KOL) in KlickData KLMS

Klick Data Open Library, or KOL as we abbreviate it, is Klick Data's public database of online courses in a library that users can access and access for their skills development and which is located in the Klickdata KLMS ecosystem.

KOL logo landscape mode

Klick Data's customers, who have their own academies, build their own company-adapted courses. They can post these in their academies for internal use. They can also publish these to the Public Library (KOL)  so that they become available throughout Klick Data's ecosystem. It's the idea of sharing that makes the system stronger.

If an Academy creates a good course that works and is appreciated in that academy, other academies in the same industry can gain access to this course that is within the KLMS framework. Much like a Facebook post is public. The basic idea is that good courses will benefit more people. To be inspired by each other. (They can be priced and set to a market value for the author and academy to benefit from. 

KD KOL Klick Data Open Library sv generell b 201029

Of course, this also applies to companies and schools. The number of courses that will be available in Klick Data Open Library will increase significantly over time when the Knowledge Network, as we call it, grows.

KLMS FAQ system KOL explain

The course is public when the globe symbol is without being crossed and black in the listing. (In the image above, it's red and only available in the Academy. 

Crossed: Not available course for anyone other than this academy. Provided that the administrator publishes the course. The symbol before with the circular arrows. It can also be crossed out and thus not published but only available to the administrator and course creator. (See separate FAQ article on publishing a course to the public library

The courses from Klick Data's Public course database can also be used as templates and adapted by changing test questions, course material, introductions, purpose, and goals.

Klick Data Open Library has shorted the abbreviation KOL. It is the open course library of online courses created jointly by users of KlickData's education system KLMS.

KD FAQ KOL en open 220322

If you publish a Course to the Open Library, you can also determine during which period it should be Open. With a start date and end date for the availability. 

The admin for an Academy can cooperate with other admins for other academies and share content. One university can create content for a group of universities in the area or around the World. Or create content for Public access. Open Source idea applied. 

KD FAQ publish spec en 221215.eng

The publication of a resource such as a Course, Test, Material, Micro course, Lesson, or Event can be for "ALL" academies in the ecosystem of KLMS. It can also be as narrow as only for one person; Publish to one academy member only, with no other having access. You can publish to a few people chosen or a group within the Academy. 

There is also an option for publishing content to a cluster of academies, like when you have many companies within larger cooperation with several KLMS academies. 

It is a very flexible way to use KLMS when you want to publish a draft to yourself, to a colleague, or to a global audience. 


How to set roles in KlickData KLMS for management and teachers

How to set roles in KlickData KLMS for management and teachers

This is how the admin set the Klick Data Learning Management System roles. 

Go to Admin/ Settings / Academy Settings . Here you have wide selections of chevrons where settings are to be made for the Academy. It is based on the same principle as the individual Settings. 

Role 220419

Chose Role Administrations 

Role1 220419

In this area, you chose from the default settings of roles. You can see what functions in KLMS are accessed to which roles and can adjust the roles in naming and in authority. Each organization can hence set up its own set of roles. To keep it simple to a minimum or to a wider area of roles. You will also have the ability to read-only or to Edit (write). 

role2 220419

role4 220419

KLMS FAQ choose title 220429

If you are not pleased with the role names: You can set them yourself. So it fits your organization.

Template of roles in KlickData KLMS

KLMS FAQ role admin2 220428

In the DNA of Klick Data, we have the ultimate goal of making it simple. Everything we do aims for simplicity.  It's the same thing with Admin roles. 

We have made the roles as simple as we can. Admin and User Level are the 2 main roles in KLMS. And a Master level for our internal use. 

But larger cooperations need more sophistication. OK: So we have of course addressed this issue. 

1. We have a template set for each role in an organization. 

2. Admin (or rather the Main Admin of an Academy) can alter these roles and fine-tune each function.

So if you like to have a more sophisticated structure: We have made it possible in every detail to make each function in KLMS accessible for roles that can be defined. You can also define the Nomenclatura. We call by default the users for Learners. If your academy like to address them as consultants Students or Users: You can change this in the Academy Settings so it fits your organization. 

KLMS FAQ Role list 220428

The orange parts are roles within the KlickData organization. It's for the internal use and assurance we comply with safety regulations, and GDPR and has a solid structure in compliance with our policies. 

The bluish-green color scheme is for the Super Admins who either are the head person of one Academy or handle more than one Academy within a group of companies, municipalities, or organizations. A Cluster is the definition of more than one Academy in the ecosystem of the Knowledge Network of KLMS. (See FAQ of Publish to Cluster). 

The green colors are the roles of Academy Admins. We have Group Admin and Author roles here. Within these roles, you can then define an unlimited amount of roles. What shall an IT admin see and do in KLMS? What shall a teacher be able to do? Who will moderate the content providers (Authors) input in order to establish a minimum level of quality of the produced courses, tests, and surveys? (See Settings). 

The last group is the Learners and the end-Users. They are defined by the identity of the Admins or being anonymous. 


Legal links for Klick Data AB (publ)

Legal links for Klick Data AB (publ)

Please contact us for more information in case you don't find what you need and we will correct it on the web page and send you the information you want. 

1. Use of Klick Data Services.  

We use Klick Data services on our sites that require login credentials currently on
a. (2020-) KlickData KLMS, also referred to as KlickData LMS, k3.io, K3 or KLMS on sitehttps://kunskap.klickdata.se/en/guest/login and earlier on 
b. (2003-2020) Klickportalen K3, also referred to as Klickportalen, previously on site http://www.klickportalen.se and before this on 
c. (1996-2006) Klick Data educational CD-ROM and internal hard drive solution Klick Data Server P3

d. (2023-) K3 Business Class K3. Within KLMS, we offer a special service focusing on ChatGPT functionality built-in KLMS with an enhancement for a 10X productivity boost for executives and content creators. This  service gives limited access to KLMS as an Academy User (AU) with the ChatGPT service in focus via an API to OpenAI GPT-3 access from Feb 2023  (see http://chat.k3.io ) 

All of the above is regulated by the general License agreement (eng) or translated into Swedish by the Licensvillkor (sv). 

To use the content, functionality, and tests and surveys within e-courses (sv. e-kurser) and tests and surveys within these domains, a license fee needs to be regulated and agreed upon, either by the individual, company, organization, governmental body or educational institution that signs a Site license (sv. Sitelicens) or an individual customer who signs a license for a specific e-course. 

2. Definition of the terminology used by Klick Data. 

To understand the terminology used by Klick Data to understand the legal aspects, please read https://klickdata.se/faq-klms/terminology-of-klms-what-does-all-terms-in-an-lms-mean 

3. GDPR 

Our Swedish site uses the GDPR regulations at https://klickdata.se/gdpr (sv. Integritetspolicy), which are translated into English in our Privacy Policy

We follow the principles in Swedish stated in IMY governmental body (sv. Integritetsmyndigheten)https://www.imy.se/verksamhet/dataskydd/det-har-galler-enligt-gdpr/grundlaggande-principer/ 

4. Policy for Ethics, Quality, and Environment

For over thirty years in the digital-based education industry, we have worked to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by sending courses to customers and not customers to courses. It has saved a lot of carbon dioxide in transport in Sweden in addition to the efficiency gains companies make and has made to maximize the education budget. With KlickData LMS / KLMS as a basis for educational initiatives with an agreement for online education, you save money on travel, course costs, hotel and accommodation costs, and the environment while simplifying the learning of critical knowledge for the organization.
Klick Data has gathered its ethical, quality, and environmental policies in this document  (sv. Miljöpolicy). (link to Swedish PDF) . 

EB Erik Bolinder Al Gore 080314

If the environment is a priority part of your policy, e-learning is how the education budget will be re-weighed. It is the focus of the environmental debate, as an example from the Peace Prize winner and the 44th Vice President of the United States, Al Gore, in his efforts for a better future for us all.  Above is a picture of him and Klick Data's CEO and Founder, Erik Bolinder, at a seminar in Nacka in October 2008. We all have realized in recent years that we must start acting today and let our actions lead us to a smaller, oil-consuming, and fossil-fuel future. We at Klick Data are dedicated to our joint environmental responsibility, and KlickData KLMS is the tool to help our customers catalyze the training and business processes. To summarize, the KLMS and K3 platforms suit the budget, the employees, and the climate.

5. IT Security policy 

Klick Data has a policy regarding IT Security (sv. Informationssäkerhetspolicy). (link to Swedish

6. Routine for information classification, labeling, and handling (sv. Klassificering av fel). 

Klick Data routine is for information classification, labeling, and handling, according to ITY. (sv. Klick Data Rutin för informationsklassning, märkning och hantering, - > ) Download PDF 

7. Quality Management System (sv. Kvalitetsledningssystem)

Klick Data routine for quality assurance and our seven principles of conduct. (Swedish: see KD_KlickData_Kvalitetspolicy_240409.pdf

8. PUB-agreement (sv PUB-avtal)

Download PUBavtal (template) (PDF)


Send a case to a learner by assign a task todo

Send a case to a learner by assign a task todo

In KLMS a learner in a school or a company can take a course and learn by the video content and PDF, PowerPoints, or text material. No teacher will approve the course. After the course parts (lessons or chapters) are taken; the course is ending with a final test or not depending on the author of the course has created a test. 

In the event, a teacher will be an active part and review the work done by the learner (also called Academy User = AU) you will use the concept of Case in KLMS. 

So if the problem is: Teacher wants to give a student homework, a task or assign something he or she wants to evaluate before accepting and have a communication in-between the student and the trainer in the meantime to guide the student in the learning process: The Case is the vital part of KLMS to do this.

It's basically a very simple process. Creating a case is very easy. Just like creating a message in its simplest form. 

1. Go to MessageBoard in the upper right 

KD FAQ Case newmessage en 220317

2. Create a New "Case" in the upper right plus sign. 

KD FAQ Case newplus en 220317

3. Choose a case in the 2nd column to the right 

KD FAQ Case new2 en 220318

4. Fill in a Subject and a body and describe what the learner shall be assigned to do for the teacher to review. 

KD FAQ Case draft en 220322

You can save a Case in Draft Mode for using it later.

Example of Case:

"Write an essay of 400 words about the Shakespeare work that you found to be the most interesting".
"Explain the photosynthesis process with your own words".
"Go and take pictures of 10 different trees". 

All these case is an examples of something the teacher, technically administrator will review to approve or dismiss as incomplete. A case involves an interaction and synchrony communication between the teacher role and the student. 

The Case has a headline and a body/description, whatever the task. In the Content section under Case, it can also have an image, goal, and key points.

KD FAQ Case new case en 220322

5. Chose who to send the Case. A single learner in KLMS, multiple learners, or to a group.

5a. If you send to a group as an admin or teacher: You will create a group chat channel and an individual chat with each recipient (AUs). In the individual case chat, you can discuss and see the progress of the student's effort to comply with the Case. IN the group chat, anyone can have a question, or the teacher can explain more in detail about the Case. 

6. Set a deadline for the Case. A case can have a deadline or it can be open without an end date in mind. 

The Case in itself, without deadline and recipients, is saved in the admin section as Case content. These cases can be added to a course or a course plan. (multiple courses). 

If you send a case from the messageboard without saving the draft, it's automatically saved in the Case section under Admin/ Content. And can be reused and copied for alteration for later when the next class is arriving next semester. 

Case outline and outcome

When a Case is sent, the learner is assigned to complete the case and the tasks involved and report when it's done. 

Admin can send the same case to a multiple groups of learners and each one will be approved in the second column of the case. 

duplicated message for other 220329

A case can be technically Open, Started, Done, Approved, Dismissed, Renewed, or Closed. Depending on the actions of the learner and the approval from the Teacher. 

A teacher can reject a submitted case or approve it. 

slidein sure

A teacher can send a Case to many and handle the Case in the second column in the window for each individual in the class or group of KLMS learners that are assigned to this Case.  

Case as part of Course

In the Admin view: Case is a part that can be inside the Courses. Just like the administrator collects Material, Tests, and Survey; the admin can have many Cases as templates to later assign to students or employees. 

KD FAQ Case AA view1 en 220323


Publish your content as Draft, Academy or Public

Publish your content as Draft, Academy or Public

Sharing is making anything stronger. You share knowledge and in KLMS you share content. If you create content there is three (3) different states. 

  1. Draft mode 
  2. Publish (to Academy) 
  3. Public (to the Klick Data Library

Draft mode is when you save and it's not "ready yet" 

Publish is the default value to the Academy you belong to. But not for all Academies in the ecosystem of Klick data. Compared to Publish a Facebook Status to your friends but not to all users in Facebook. 

We have made it easy to publish in the listing. If you hoover on the line: You will see different symbols. 

KD FAQ Publish 3 en 220318

In the listing: When hoovering on content that is in the draft mood it looks like this: The red symbol with a crossed checkmark makes the clear signal that it is not either published in the Academy or Public in the Klick Data Library (KOL) 

KD FAQ Publish hoover en 220318

If you click to publish you confirm the publication : 

KD FAQ Publish hoover2 en 220318

And after publishing, it looks like this when you hoover. You now have a black symbol that shows the status and you can use this to unpublish it. 

KD FAQ Publish hoover3 en 220318

You also can publish to the public with the red global symbol crossed. 

Clic to make it public and get a popup to ensure you are on the right track. 

KD FAQ Publish hoover4 en 220318

And after publication, you can unpublish or unpublic the public content with the same button. 

KD FAQ Publish hoover5 en 220318

The usefulness of having a template from others build on the notion of sharing. 

Of course, content that is not to be outside the organization is not to be public. Admin can stop the public publication possibilities to make sure content created within the walls and intranet is not leaving the company. 

Accessibility, availability, and visibility

Publish to a Specific learner (user) in KLMS and to specific academies is possible. 

Note If the content is user-specific and not searchable or accessible for all registered learners and administrators in an Academy: The author can publish to selected learners or selected groups. This means that if the content is published to Tom and Mary only, the content can not be searched or accessed by Steve and Linda even if Steve and Linda are registered in the same Academy. 

The same applies to Publish to KOL and to the public to all users registered in the ecosystem of KlickData. Instead of publishing to all academies, you might want to publish courses or Tests or Surveys to a  cluster of Academies within your company structure, school Board district, or within governmental bodies (Like, for example, different Rescue services Departments in different municipalities of Sweden). 

To summarize: 


You can Publish a resource as a draft to yourself ("you only"). Or to one other specific person in the academy. Or to a group within the Academy. You can also choose to publish to all academies (public) or a cluster of Academies specified. 

KOL logo landscape mode

See also our FAQ about the Klick Data Open Library 


How to import users from the internal HR system using the Import tool in Klickdata KLMS

How to import users from the internal HR system using the Import tool in Klickdata KLMS

Almost all companies and organizations have an HR system with their employees' information accessible as a CSV file to export. This file is easy to import in the KLMS when a company gets on board and starts to use the system for its online training, company surveys, and employee branding.

1. As an admin in the KLMS you have access to the Admin tool (see Top Bar). 
2. Select Users
3. Click on Import on the Left Side.

KD FAQ importusers 200311

4. Upload the file from your local computer. 

KD FAQ importtemplates 200311
5. You can save the templates used for the import so the regular import with people who are new onboard and with people who left the company are removed under Import templates 

KD FAQ importhistory 200311

6. You can view the history of the employees´ imports and click on each line to view the result. 

KD FAQ importhistory example 200311

7. After each import, you can review the results of the updated file with error warnings and calls to action to update missing fields in order to keep the KLMS user data up to date at all times.

8. If your organization exceeds +50 users KlickData can also provide automated imports with mirroring or SSO of user data from your ERP-, Intranet- or HR system including synchronization of statistics and user validity for ease of administration. Contact us for this powerful integration that is included with a Site license to KlickData. 


What languages are available in the online learning platform KlickData KLMS?

What languages are available in the online learning platform KlickData  KLMS?

The language in menus and in the system is currently translated fully into the following: 


The menus and the system is partly translated into the following due to the translation has been somewhat delayed due to development that has not yet been fully translated into the language file: (900/2100 rows) 


The content in the system KLMS depends on the Academies and the content that users and admins produce in order for the public content to be provided. 


KLMS language in content

In Settings 

This overview below displays the current* translations of the menu structure and the content. 

KD FAQ languages list 220311

Note: If you are interested and help us expand into more languages or complement the existing; Or create content: Please contact us for more details. 
We have made an FAQ on how to translate the system KLMS to foreign languages (sv. andra språk) here 


How do you create your own course Material in KLMS?

How do you create your own course Material in KLMS?

Material is a micro course in itself. It can consist of a full-length Youtube movie that is a course or a simple copy of the Code of Conduct that the staff needs to take. 

When creating a course to help a student learn something, you need to find out what the learning material will consist of. (See our article on what to think of when creating a successful online course

Either you will educate yourself, depending on your knowledge of a subject, or you will find the learning material that will help the Learner to learn. This is the first part of the process. Creating a course makes you an author in KLMS, just like you don't need to know how to play music to create a playlist on Spotify. If you are the teacher or the instructor, you still are the author in the sense of putting a course together in KLMS. 

If you record a lecture yourself: you will save this recording as a video file or an audio file. This audio or video file is considered a material part of a course. All learning sources are collected in the Material section as Materials. 

You can collect many materials before you need to put the course together. The material collection is a part of the process of creating a course. 

KD FAQ Material generic en 220304

You can upload a file to the KLMS secure server, which will be used only for the person who can access the Material. As an accessible object or as a part of a Course. Once saved, materials are searchable in the Global Search and found for others to view or use as parts of a course, depending on how you will publish it in the KLMS. You can publish Material as a Draft: You will be the only one to see it: To the Academy: You will be able to share it with your Academy users, and you will be able to share it in Public: In the Klick Data ecosystem for all Academies using KLMS. (Klick Data Open Library KOL) 

Material can be hidden as its own subjects unless it's within a Course. The idea is that suitable learning objects can be used by others and put together as songs in a PlayList. We call Material micro-courses. (sv. mikrokurs

Sending a PDF, PowerPoint Presentation, Word file, or video file to KLMS makes it searchable within the Academy for you (and Academy users if you like) but not outside the KLMS framework. Internal documents are, therefore, safe inside KLMS. 

You will find the Materials part of KLMS in Admin/Content and Material. 

KD Material2 a 1821 220304

In this Material section, you have three tabs. The material that you published or have created but not yet published. (draft mode) . The second tab Academy, here you find the material available in your Academy (your organization). The material available in the public library is in the third tab (Klick Data Open Library, KOL). 

KD Material2 b 1821 220304

In the listing, you see the tags attached to the material, among many things. If you click on a tag, you will automatically search for all these types of material. It's an easy way of searching. You can search within a tab for different types of search strings. 

KD Material2 c 1821 220304

The plus sign upper right allows you to create new material that will be part of a course someday in the future. Material can be searched for as independent content and taken without being inside the course. So if you find, for example, an attractive Youtube link that you might think will suit the organization's needs to be seen or learned in the future, you add it here, and then you collect course material for you and others to use in the future. Basically, you filter Youtube and the web for great content that will match your organization's needs. 

Having said that, an internal document that is not public is also to be created as material. We look at material as songs in a playlist, with the difference that the playlists are courses in the KLMS platform. 

KD Material2 d 1821 220304

If you see fit that the material is to be used for more than you in the KLMS, you publish it in the Academy only or in the Academy and in the public sector. We live in a shared world. If you share, great stuff, karma will give it back to you. 

KD Material2 e 1821 220304

Of course, some material published is old and no longer suitable to be a part of the library of materials. Then you can delete it. 

KD Material2 f 1821 220304

When you create new material: you can add a link, text, video or audio, or any other file. Depending on what you choose, you can pick the tab relevant and get some other options. Doing this often requires a copy and paste from the web with description text, headlines, and a summary of the content. Some videos have significant timestamps that are very useful for the learning experience an example. Try to paint the information as much as possible and be neutral here since the material can be used in many different places and not for just one specific purpose. 

KD Material2 g 1821 220304

Below are examples of different types of material used in KLMS.

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KD Material2 d 1821 220304

KD Material2 d 1821 220304

KD Material2 d 1821 220304

KD Material2 d 1821 220304

KD Material2 d 1821 220304

You can preview the material as it will look in the course. 

KD Material2 d 1821 220304


How do I switch language in the menus in KlickData KLMS?

How do I switch language in the menus in KlickData KLMS?

This FAQ is explaining how you switch the language in KLMS. (sv. byta språk) .
And choose the content to display from the language perspective.

Before you login you can see a flag in the upper right corner: 

KD FAQ settings change language1d 220302

In this example: The flag displays the Brazilian Flag and hence; the system is set in Portugeise. (pt: Portugues do Brasil) : Just click and choose the language before you log in to your liking. 

Once you log in, the last time you log in there was a setting. If it's the first time: We choose your browser language for your convenience. If this language is not translated: we offer you English as the default language. 

1. Go to the upper right corner and see your profile pic or a default image of a fictive person. 

KD FAQ settings change language1e 220302
If it's the wrong language set: you choose the first choice of the Settings symbol. (Example when Swedish is chosen

KD FAQ settings change language1e2 220302

Example of how it looks when English is the language set in the upper corner of KLMS. Choose Settings.

2. Chose the second section to open "Personal Settings & Language" 

KD FAQ settings change language1 220302

Clic anywhere on the row to open this section. 

KD FAQ settings change language 220302

Clic on the Display Language row to see the options of the menus, popup, system messages, and tooltips. By February 2022 we have 10 languages to choose from, with Portuguese being the new member of the KLMS translated file. (If you like to translate to your language; instructions on how to do this in another FAQ). 

KD FAQ settings change language1b br 220302

If you switch the language you will see the effect direct and you can go back and use KLMS with all the menus changed. 

The menu language is simple to set and can for obvious reasons only be one. 

KD FAQ settings change language2b 220302

Go to the row (grey area) below the headline Preferred languages in content. In this example: this user/learner (AU) will get content in English and Swedish. He will not have any Arabic displayed or any other languages. 

The content language is more complex. Out from the vast library of content in KLMS, you can exclude languages you will never use and only have the ones you like.

KD FAQ settings change language2a 220302

In the dropdown, you mark the languages you like to view the content inside KLMS. You can remove the language with the X on the language displayed after you have chosen if it's too many. 

Note: Your administrator can have set other rules to the settings. 

Other related FAQ to this article: 

What languages are currently available in KlickData?

How do I translate KLMS to my language?

Swedish: Ändra språk i KlickData


How to translate KLMS into a new language with menu and system

How to translate KLMS into a new language with menu and system

1. The translations to be made are not in Word or text files. They are systematically made in a structure that makes them easy to import into the code. But don't worry. This is easy to learn within 5 min with this FAQ page. 

KD FAQ poeit notexteditor 220224

2. You will use a tool that is free on the Internet and most easy to download to translate is from www.poedit.com 

3. In this software from the Po Edit app you will have a view that looks like this. 

 poedit example spanish 220224

Turning KLMS into another language makes it possible to switch menus to this language under Settings in KLMS: (see the article when we introduced Spanish as the fourth language)

For the translator: (who has a deal with Klick Data or are to give a quote)

4 Get the latest XLF - file from KL or Klick Data admin by mail or any other file transfer system. An XLF file is the format that will be used in the translation process. (You will not use Microsoft Word) 

 4b. Recieve zip-file :

4c. Unzip Save XLF file messages.xlf with syntax. like KLMS_messages_eng_to_bra_220223.xlf if bra= Brazilian, pol for polish, etc, and the correct date in the end before .xlf

5a. If you use Macintosh: For the translator: If Macintosh: Download Po Edit from https://poeditor.com/kb/xliff-editor

5b. If Windows: Use XLIFF and download from this link: https://download.poedit.net/Poedit-3.0.1-setup.exe . There is a FAQ on this process on https://poeditor.com/kb/xliff-editor 

KD FAQ poeit open 200311

Open the file that ends with .xlf sent from Klick Data admin. The file will have a date with yymmdd so you see what is the latest sent from Klick data if there is a delay in the process of offer and start of translations with the latest system updates. Sometimes you need to translate parts of the system and not all rows. The syntax is important in file naming is vital for all involved so no confusion is set. 

6. Do the translations in Po Edit software row by row 

6a. Browse the translation file after you will download it from the attachment sent from Klikc Data admin or agent contact (Like example: KLMS.messages.nl-220228.xlf).
6b. You focus will mainly on only two columns Source & Target
6c. Source is the English source text.
6d. Target will contain your translation progress.
6e. Please check out the attached files for the source file and images for more descriptions
6f. Reply in conversations with questions so you communicate in the process for full understanding saving both parties efforts and time.

KD FAQ poeit description 200311

In XLIFF the translator focuses on the Target column and translates from the Source column. The identifier, Meaning, and Description are not in focus for any translations. 

7, Save the file as KLMS_messages_eng_to_bra_VR_220224.xlf (see 4) as VR being a signature of the translator like "Vito Richardo", the translator, and 220224 the date you were finished (yymmdd)

8. Send the file to the contact you have at Klick Data or its agent. 

9. Wait for the validation and feedback that all is correct

10. Get paid by the service used 

Don't forget that translations are needed on a regular basis since we develop the system and enhance the system. It's over 2000 lines, and it normally takes more than 8 hours (a full day) to translate this file. Depending on the experience. 

To understand the concept and explain into the context of what all items and menu means and get the User experience to the utmost value in LMS; we developed a terminology page that has expanded to over 7000 characters so translators can more easily understand the LMS system.   

Some translators come up with suggestions in improving the English and find errors so we improve KLMS in this language. Some translators wish to see the KLMS after import so they can validate the meaning in the context and do an overview so its not translated wrongly due to the context of its purpose. 

We have a full set of English, Arabic, and Swedish translated in Feb 2022. Some other languages have been translated but lack full translations at the time of publishing this FAQ.

Some common errors in the translation to be avoided. 

Once a translator gets started: Some details for us are of importance. 

1. Double Brackets

Keep the programming text within double brackets "no translated"; this is because KLMS uses some code in the coding that is NOT to be translated. 

KD FAQ translations errors2 220302

In this example Add up to (x) groups is correctly translated as "Adicione até (x) grupos." The {{maxSelected}} is a code inside KLMS that shall not be translated. It's within double brackets. It is correctly left out of the translation in this example. 

1b. Another example of incorrect translation where parts of code are translated and parts left for English. Course Material is translated to Material do curso but within the double brackets, parts of the English are translated in an attempt to do good without the knowledge of understanding that it makes harm for KLMS system. 

KD FAQ translations errors3 220302


VAR PLURAL is a determination if you have a single unit or "many" units. For this reason, many translators translate the code and not the correct parts to be translated. See the image here below to understand that only the green part is to be translated. Not the word "other". Yes; it is hard for a translator to know and that's why we put this instruction here

KD FAQ translations errors1b 220302

In this example, the Portuguese translator made it wrong in exchange for the word "other" that belonged to the code making an error in the KLMS system. Just leave the word "other" here. In this example, the green part of English is translated into Portuguese correctly. 

2b. Here is an example of how it shall be translated in VAR PLURAL and INTERPOLATION 

KD FAQ translations errors1c 220302

3. Leave space out 

KD FAQ translations errors4 220302

The space after or before the translated text shall not be there. If the English for some reason has a space after the phrase: it's an error from our side, but keep the space anyway. This is a very minor thing so you can leave this without any issue, but we mention this for quality reasons. 

Please see the overview of the existing language for menus and content in KLMS


What is KlickData KLMS? What is the abbreviation of KLMS?

What is KlickData KLMS? What is the abbreviation of KLMS?

KLMS is the abbreviation for Klick Data Learning Management System. A learning management system is often referred to as LMS. The online system KLMS is the public company Klick Data's own developed system (LMS) for handling knowledge development within an organization. The KLMS is used to validate individuals' skills and use them as a tool to make the company more effective in order to handle the customer's needs more efficiently. With access to the right skills and onboard training, with online training in KLMS, any company can save a huge amount on training costs as well as reduce customer service. Measure the ROI here

The KLMS is the second generation LMS system from Klick Data and is a successor to the LMS system from Klick Data called Klickportalen K3 (2003-2017). The KLMS framework is translated into English, Arabic and Swedish and will soon be translated into Spanish. 

Any knowledge in the need for learning in the organization can be a Material. If it is from a book, a classroom session, a webinar, a YouTube film, a PDF or a Powerpoint document, no matter what source of learning: the material can be added as to learn from. And then this material can be tested with a Quiz or a Test or just been assigned to take part in. The HR department and Management will have an overview of the staff skill development and performance over time (statistics) and can measure the ROI of the investment as well as being assured all information in need for being distributed and taken part of is taken part of by the team members of the organization. 

Read more about KLMS here


How can you calculate ROI with the KLMS KlickData Learning Management System

How can you calculate ROI with the KLMS KlickData Learning Management System

The ROI (Return on Investment) on any investment is depending on the cost versus the speed of how fast the investment is returned and what profit it will generate. 

An investment in the education of the staff of a company has both the effect of making the general level of knowledge higher and the company's ability to handle more complicated issues higher (at a macro level) and the effect of the individual feeling more motivated and engaged and "investment in the future of his or her career". (on a micro-level). 

Jobb magnet

Investing in an LMS such as the KLMS gives the opportunity to get a huge profit for the general efficiency of the company performance if the KLMS is used in a proper way. The Management can both get the direction of what the Staff is to learn and improve skills on and the Management can get the feedback from the organization on issues the Company has to deal with in order to solve the problems for the customers more efficiently. 

So the KLMS is not just the HR department educating and validating the staff: It's a tool for improving the organization's needs to create their service and production better to reach higher profit. It is also a tool for the collective force of gathering the internal knowledge to make transport of knowledge from one employee faster and cheaper than before by making a process of recording videos and organizing the instructions so it is accessed when needed. 

If well organized on making KLMS work: the implications on the bottom line are huge and the investment is fractional. People will be more motivated to work, more willing to share knowledge and solve issues and validate their skills. See ROI example here
Also: Read more on the ROI in our Journal 


How to create a Test in KLMS

How to create a Test in KLMS

Hence: Since the test itself is neutral and consist of questions with different types, the test change inside a course when its in a context and added features like an attached grade system. As for example: The same test with the same test questions given to a 5th grade or to a 7th grade student can have different levels of percent correct to get a diploma. To understand this difference is essential since you as an author needs to understand the audience in the creating process. 

When Creating a Test in KLMS, you need to have Group Admin level Access. 

KLMS FAQ en Test 220201

KLMS FAQ en Test2 220201

KLMS FAQ en Test3 220201

On an iPad or Tablet it might look like this. 

KD FAQ Testcreate 1 221219

KD FAQ Testcreate 2a 221219

When you create a new Test: the title is prefilled with your User name and a timestamp. You can easily edit this and rename the Title.

In the Content Tab: You add the questions. In the Extra Tab, you add additional information. 

Adding questions to a Test 

In this example, we create a Test called Science Random 

You can create them yourself from scratch, which is useful when you want to create a test of knowledge for your staff in some routines you do at your organization or company. The choices are Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with one correct answer. One answer is correct. The other alternatives are incorrect. If You choose a Question with Multiple correct answers one or many answers can be correct and checkboxes instead of radio buttons are the option. You can change the question if you happen to regret it once you choose.  


How to import great MCQ questions already created for you

If you choose the third option, "Import MCQs from WOK" you can pick among 500000 (!) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) from the WikiMaster app in the World of Knowledge / WOK system. You write any Wikipedia article, and the questions attached to these questions are available for import to the KLMS test. You can choose one or many Wikipedia articles to import from. And you drag how many you like to import. Some articles have many questions (in this example: the Science article is a wide article and has over 11000 MCQs to choose from). Science Museum article has only 2. Some Wikipedia articles exist without questions in WOK, and these articles are for natural reasons not available. Note that questions are created on a daily basis by the WOK Community (a sibling to Wikipedia) so you might be able to import tomorrow's questions that are not available today.

Overall: for students and teachers using KLMS for an educational reason based on general facts: access to the WOK database system is a great tool and saves a tremendous amount of time. For HR departments and admin in companies creating tests based on routines for employees within the company, WOK questions are not the tool of the first choice. These questions are in need to be created from scratch. 

A good principle of how to write questions is used in www.wokcraft.com/create . These guidelines are of great help even when you create questions for the staff for subjects like environmental policy, onboard training or HAACP for food handling or GDPR guidance. 

See a FAQ video on how to create a test with multiple-choice questions from WOK. (recorded on May 25, 2019, it has some old way of handling, but it still has value to see how easy and quick it is to create questions from the WOK database.)

KLMS test creation step5 screens 200305

In this example: 39 questions from WOK were imported. You can see the questions and unfold to see the answers using the arrow on the right. 

KLMS test creation step9b screens 200305

In this example, the 3rd option "Science Fiction" is the correct answer. You can change the number of points given to the correct answer. You can edit the question, add more alternatives.

KLMS test creation step9d screens 200305

Add an image and add a description of the question is complicated and you need to read some material or go to a link first. The KLMS gives you great freedom in the creation process. Making great quizzes and relevant tests is an art.

KLMS test creation step9f screens 200305

Note that with the trash can you can delete questions that do not fit your audience. After you are done with the questions you like to create in the test you click Next in the lower right corner. Questions are saved. You can edit them later. And reorder them for the user when they take the test.

3. Categories.

When saved; you move to the third Tab "Categories". This will place the test to your users in order for them to find them. You need to at least add the test to one category but it can be added to more than one. 

4. Publish

In the last tab, you get a summary and then you can choose to Publish directly or Publish Later. When you publish, you limit your ability to change the Quiz content. Since it will be used in other parts of the KLMS system. If you Publish Later you can make the changes and continue editing later. 

KLMS test creation step9 screens 200305

Enjoy the creation of a Test in KLMS. Some call it Create a Quiz. Some call it Create a Test. We at Klick Data let you choose. 

Learning and development (L&D) 


100 questions to ask on your current e-learning system

100 questions to ask on your current e-learning system

100 Essential Questions for Evaluating a Learning Management System

1. Can you tell me more about your current learning management system?
2. What are the challenges you're facing with your current system?
3. How do you envision your institution's ideal learning management system?
4. How important is user-friendliness in choosing a learning management system?
5. What features are you looking for in a learning management system?
6. How do you currently track student progress and performance?
7. How can a more efficient learning management system improve your institution's performance?
8. Are you looking for a system that can integrate with other software?
9. How important is data security in choosing a learning management system?
10. How do you currently handle course registration and scheduling?
11. Are you interested in a system that offers mobile learning capabilities?
12. How do you currently manage grading and assessments?
13. Are you looking for a system that offers e-commerce capabilities for course sales?
14. How do you currently handle content creation and management?
15. Are you interested in a system that offers social learning features?
16. How do you currently handle student and teacher communication?
17. Are you interested in a system that offers gamification features?
18. How do you currently handle reporting and analytics?
19. Are you interested in a system that offers blended learning capabilities?
20. How do you currently handle course catalog management?
21. Are you interested in a system that offers competency-based learning features?
22. How do you currently handle enrollment and waitlist management?
23. Are you interested in a system that offers personalized learning paths?
24. How do you currently handle student engagement and retention?
25. Are you interested in a system that offers microlearning capabilities?
26. How do you currently handle faculty and staff training?
27. Are you interested in a system that offers peer-to-peer learning features?
28. How do you currently handle resource allocation and budgeting?
29. Are you interested in a system that offers multi-tenant architecture for managing multiple institutions?
30. How do you currently handle compliance and accreditation management?

More Questions for Evaluating a Learning Management System

31. How does your current system support the needs of diverse learners?
32. What kind of technical support does your current system offer?
33. How does your current system handle updates and upgrades?
34. How Customizable is your current system?
35. How does your current system support collaborative learning?
36. How does your current system handle data backup and recovery?
37. How does your current system support the use of multimedia in course content?
38. How does your current system handle user authentication and access control?
39. How does your current system support using external resources and tools?
40. How does your current system handle scalability and growth?
41. How does your current system support using interactive elements in course content?
42. How does your current system handle the integration of third-party applications?
43. How does your current system support real-time communication tools?
44. How does your current system handle the management of user roles and permissions?
45. How does your current system support using analytics for decision-making?
46. How does your current system manage course prerequisites and co-requisites?
47. How does your current system support synchronous and asynchronous learning activities?
48. How does your current system manage course equivalencies and substitutions?
49. How does your current system support formative and summative assessments?
50. How does your current system manage course waivers and exemptions?
51. How does your current system support self-paced learning activities?
52. How does your current system manage course transfers and articulations?
53. How does your current system support the use of competency-based grading?
54. How does your current system manage course audits and pass/fail options?
55. How does your current system support learning analytics for student success?
56. How does your current system manage course repeats and retakes?
57. How does your current system support adaptive learning technologies?
58. How does your current system manage academic standing and probation?
59. How does your current system support learning outcomes and objectives?
60. How does your current system manage academic honors and awards?


Additional Questions on the Current System

61. How does your current system support blended learning strategies?
62. How does your current system manage student records and transcripts?
63. How does your current system support gamification in learning?
64. How customizable are the assessment tools in your current system?
65. How does your current system handle the management of student engagement and participation?
66. How does your current system support the use of mobile learning?
67. How does your current system handle the management of student feedback and evaluations?
68. How does your current system support using social learning tools?
69. How does your current system manage course catalogs and schedules?
70. How does your current system support the use of project-based learning?
71. How does your current system handle the management of student enrollment and registration?
72. How does your current system support flipped classroom strategies?
73. How does your current system manage student grades and progress reports?
74. How does your current system support peer learning and tutoring?
75. How does your current system manage course syllabi and lesson plans?
76. How does your current system support the use of digital portfolios?
77. How does your current system handle the management of student attendance and participation?
78. How does your current system support the use of virtual reality and augmented reality in learning?
79. How does your current system manage student financial aid and scholarships?
80. How does your current system support the use of microlearning strategies?
81. How does your current system handle the management of student advisement and counseling services?
82. How does your current system support the use of experiential learning?
83. How does your current system handle the management of student housing and residential services?
84. How does your current system support collaborative tools and platforms?
85. How does your current system handle the management of student health and wellness services?
86. How does your current system support personalized learning paths?
87. How does your current system manage student clubs and organizations?
88. How does your current system support using digital badges and certifications?
89. How does your current system manage student career services and internships?
90. How does your current system support open educational resources?
91. How does your current system support using artificial intelligence learning?
92. How does your current system handle the management of student safety and security?
93. How does your current system support using cloud-based learning resources?
94. How customizable are the reporting tools in your current system?
95. How does your current system manage student academic progress and achievement?
96. How does your current system support using interactive whiteboards in learning?
97. How does your current system manage student discipline and behavior?
98. How does your current system support learning analytics for improving teaching strategies?
99. How does your current system manage student extracurricular activities?
100. How does your current system support using e-books and digital textbooks in learning?


AWS and EU rules applied to cloud solutions like the learning platform KLMS

AWS and EU rules applied to cloud solutions like the learning platform KLMS

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of regulations that apply to organizations that handle the personal data of individuals in the European Union (EU). Suppose your organization is using Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud solutions and handles the personal data of individuals in the EU. In that case, you must ensure that you comply with the GDPR.

There are a few key steps that you can take to help ensure GDPR compliance when using AWS cloud solutions:

  1. Conduct a data protection impact assessment (DPIA): A DPIA is a process that helps organizations understand the potential risks to individuals' personal data and take appropriate measures to mitigate those risks. It is a vital requirement of the GDPR.

  2. Implement appropriate technical and organizational measures: The GDPR requires organizations to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data. This may include measures such as encryption, access controls, and security monitoring.

  3. Use AWS services designed for GDPR compliance: AWS offers a range of services designed to help organizations comply with the GDPR. These services include the AWS GDPR Compliance Center, which provides a central location for information and resources related to GDPR compliance, and the AWS GDPR Readiness Program, which helps organizations understand how AWS can support their GDPR compliance efforts.

  4. Review and update your contracts and policies: If you are using AWS cloud solutions to process the personal data of individuals in the EU, you will need to ensure that your contracts and policies are GDPR-compliant. This may involve reviewing and updating your data processing agreements, data protection policies, and other related documents.

Following these steps can help ensure that your organization complies with the GDPR when using AWS cloud solutions. It is important to note that compliance with the GDPR is an ongoing process, and you should regularly review and update your GDPR compliance efforts as needed.


Clients we proudly serve with Learning Management System with AI generated content

Clients we proudly serve with Learning Management System with AI generated content

With over 25000 partners in our list of clients that have bought our services, we are very proud to enjoy still the benefit of serving so many enterprises and organizations in the private and public sectors.  

We hope to help them further, and you today and in the future, in this new landscape and era of Artificial Intelligence where ChatGPT and other AI tools are at the core of the learning process.  

Klick Data KLMS 220124 slide12 Clients 230222.001

Hence we are extra proud to give the loyal prime members of our clients list the boost to leap into the future together with us. 

We are at the edge in Klick Data DNA to make pedagogic solutions available with the best of technology. Thank you, and welcome to learn more!


Data protection impact assessment (DPIA) explained

Data protection impact assessment (DPIA) explained

A data protection impact assessment (DPIA) is a process used to identify and evaluate the potential risks to the privacy of individuals resulting from a proposed processing of personal data. The DPIA is a requirement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is a comprehensive EU data protection law that applies to organizations that process the personal data of individuals in the EU.

The purpose of a DPIA is to ensure that organizations take a proactive approach to protecting the privacy of individuals by identifying and mitigating any potential risks before processing their personal data begins. The DPIA is an integral part of an organization's data protection compliance program and is intended to help organizations comply with their obligations under the GDPR.

To conduct a DPIA, organizations must follow a set of steps that involve identifying the purpose of the processing, the types of personal data that will be processed, the risks to the privacy of individuals, and the measures that will be taken to mitigate those risks. The DPIA should also consider the potential consequences of the processing on the rights and freedoms of individuals and the legal basis for the processing.

Overall, the DPIA is an essential tool for ensuring that organizations take a comprehensive and proactive approach to protecting the privacy of individuals and complying with data protection laws.


How can an administrator accept a user to be approved to go or take a course in KLMS?

How can an administrator accept a user to be approved to go or take a course in KLMS?

This article explains how a teacher or admin can approve a course request.  

1. Student or employee finds a course he or she wants to enroll in. 

KD FAQ CD word 220323

2. Student clic on the Start Course button upper right 

Due to the admin settings or author settings for this Course: Students can not automatically enroll and start the course before approval from the supervisor. 

KLMS will show a Slide from the right (on desktop) with specific information regarding the course to be requested. There might be limited seats and costs involved that also are the reason for the approval process. The learner in KLMS will click on the Request access button to initiate the approval process. 

KD FAQ CD word2 Send request 220323

3. Admin gets a notification in the Message center that the student has asked for approval to join the course in KLMS and to take it. 

KD FAQ approval list Message 220323

4. Admin opens the Message Center message and views the Application. 

KD FAQ Approval chat yes 220323

5. Admin approves after reviewing the course content and details in the 2nd column 

Admin can approve or reject the request. If he or she accepts: A message will be sent to the learner. Depending on the settings: The message is also sent to the mail of the registered user in KLMS so he will see it as a message in his Outlook or Gmail or wherever he reads the messages in his normal mail outside log in to KLMS. The same applies to the admin who can get notifications sent to the mail including applications and requests for courses to approve. 

KD FAQ Approval chat yes3 220323

The learner can read the chat discussion in the message field with the headline Request to the "Course name". And the learner can exchange and chat with the administrator. 
If the learner has other message chats for other topics like other courses: Admin can filter to view the other chats in the 2nd column. 


How does K3 manage the data entering the tool in terms of security and privacy?

How does K3 manage the data entering the tool in terms of security and privacy?

We follow the practice set by GDPR. All data from our clients in Europe in K3 is stored in cloud data centers in Frankfurt by AWS and Amazon Web Service. 

We store all data from K3 in AWS service in UAE and Bahrain for all our Middle East clients in the Gulf Region. During 2026, AWS will have an entire data center set in Saudi Arabia, and until then, the KSA governmental bodies have accepted Bahrain as a data center. 

From inside the organization, inside the General Settings accessible from the Administrator view, the Main admin can set roles that allow a limited number of people with access to K3 on the Academy level to access information. This includes API settings and data sent to various LLMs. 

Role Setting in K3

We have more information regarding this issue in https://klickdata.se/faq-klms/aws-and-eu-rules-applied-to-cloud-solutions-like-the-learning-platform-klms 

Read more in Swedish (på svenska): https://klickdata.se/faq-klms-se/klms-som-molntj%C3%A4nst-och-anpassning-till-g%C3%A4llande-eu-regelverk-f%C3%B6r-myndigheter

See also our legal document overview: https://klickdata.se/faq-klms/legal-links-for-klick-data


How to add a Quiz to a YouTube video

How to add a Quiz to a YouTube video

Let's say you find an excellent video on YouTube and you want someone who sees it to be able to take a quiz after seeing it. This is possible using the KLMS. 

Step by Step guide. 

1. Login to Klick Data KLMS  (15-sec issue)

2. Go to User / Manage/ Create Course (10-sec issue)

3. Find a great video you like to add (3-min googling issue): From YouTube or in this case: a great TED Talk: 
In this example we found this link about Opioids:

4. Go to Add Material and paste the link and add a Headline (15-sec work) 
Mike Davis Ted Talk on Opioids in May 2020 

KLMS screen Create Quiz to YouTube 200602

5. Go to Add Test and Create a New Test (Quiz) (10-sec work)

6. Create Questions. (1 minute - 1 hr work depending on the level of effort) 

6a. Using efforts made by others: Using the great Wikipedia database of Questions from WikiMaster/WOK to check if facts can be related to the YouTube or TEDtalk link  (A 60-90 second work depending on fantasy)

KLMS screen Create Test WOK MCQ 200602

KLMS screen CreateQ edit 200602

6b. Adding your own Questions by writing them (3-5 min/ Question is an estimate depending on experience) 

Listening to the TED Talk video for 8 min. 32 seconds, you realize you learn a lot about the addiction of opioids and the difference between opiates and opioids, the explanation of noradrenaline, and the treatment and risks involved with Naxalone, methadone, and other drugs. To create a great Quiz or Test to this video, you will need at least a 30 minute to learn the subject by seeing the video and take notes and review it with pause and play. In the meantime: You can have a tab open in the KLMS to create questions that are not generally related to opioids but specifically related to this, particularly video/lesson/course material. 

After 20-60 minutes of work, depending on experience, you might have produced great questions like these: 

KLMS FAQ greatQs opoids 201101 

You can do this either by 
1. Open up the WikiMaster app and create generally fact questions that are related to the subject and be used by anyone in the World for the greater good just as you would spend time editing a Wikipedia article. Your effort will then be used by a global audience for free. The Guidelines on the Questions are set by the WOK Foundation who created these Quizzes on top of Wikipedia. Your questions can after this be imported to the KLMS system as described above in this article. Klick Data support this effort and endorse the WOK project.

2. You can create the questions directly inside the KLMS module for Create Course and have more freedom in the sense of not following the general rules of an MCQ being set by the WOK guidelines, such as multiple answers can be correct, different points depending on which alternatives used or having images only as alternatives. Questions on "What was the opinion on the subject covered in the film? " is relevant to the quiz regarding the presentation but would not fit the WOK project objectives of indisputable facts. If you create quizzes, you will know and understand the difference. 

You will also be able to create tests that are limited to an audience you decide and not suitable for the public. Within a Company Academy, an Educational institution or a Governmental Body. See Site License. 

In the example we use in this FAQ: a general MCQ question that would fit the WOK guidelines would be 
Q: In what Century was the substance morphine extracted from the opium plant?  
A: (Correct answer): 19th Century 
B. Incorrect/Disposable1: 18th Century 
C. Incorrect/Disposable2: 20th Century 
D. Incorrect/Disposable1: 17th Century 


The Question is related to the TEDTalk video. It is also a general question that will be true for all time in the WOK database of multiple Choice Questions. In WOK, the relevance of the Question is made by indexing to the context of the question as to the example above shows with the question being related to many different Wikipedia articles. In the KLMS system with the example of being a part of the Course of Quiz related to the Mike Davis article it still has relevance when import. 

If you like to view Questions on a browser before import: Go to http://wok.uno . Unfortunately, you cant create questions in the web version of WikiMaster. You need the mobile app WikiMaster or QuizKing on Android or iOS. 

In this example, we can't rely solely on General Multiple- Choice Questions (GMCQ) made by others imported from the WOK database. We need to sit down and play the video and create the questions related to this specific material. We need to create MMCQ = Material Multiple-Choice Questions. MMCQ are the MCQs that are related to specific material content, such as the TedTalk video in this example.  (See Definition of MCQ). 

This FAQ on KlickData KLMS was produced on June 2, 2020
It was last edited on Nov 9, 2020. 
Some information, screenshots might have been updated, modified, or changed since publishing since we are updating our online platform for learning several times a week.  


How to administrate the Settings as an admin in KlickData KLMS 

How to administrate the Settings as an admin in KlickData KLMS 

In the KlickData LMS system, the KLMS as we call it, there are many settings to make for the administrator. 

This FAQ video explains and gives you an overview of how the Settings for the admin.

 This video was recorded on May 20, 2019. 


How to complete a Course Plan in KlickData KLMS

How to complete a Course Plan in KlickData KLMS

How to complete a Course Plan in Klick Data? 

See the video on how to complete a Course Plan in Klick Data KLMS

This video in this FAQ is recorded on June 23, 2019. Today, (March 2022) it is outdated and no longer relevant since we have remade the module in KLMS. 
Note: Some FAQ info can be outdated due to the continuous development of the platform and progress of functionality. 


How to create a Course Plan in KlickData KLMS

How to create a Course Plan in KlickData KLMS

How to Create a Course Plan as an Administrator in KlickData KLMS.
The Course Plan is combining Material to learn, Tests to Validate, and a Survey to Feedback of how much learned. 

Update April 27, 2020. Create Course has been updated and simplified. 
Users can now also create Courses under the Manage menu. Users can add material, tests, and Surveys as separate items and put them together as Courses. Admin can assign Courses made to users, groups and set a timetable and reminders. Not covered in the video above.

See the video Nr 7. Create a Course Plan

This video was recorded on June 8, 2019. 
Note: Some FAQ info, design and functionality can be outdated due to the continuous development of the platform and the progress of making the user and admin experience better. 


How to create a Survey in Klickdata KLMS

How to create a Survey in Klickdata KLMS

How to create a Survey in KlickData. This is great when you like to find out the opinion of a course or an opinion from a group within the company. And to compare over time how the environment of the staff mood is in the organization. The Feedback loop is the way for Management to get information FROM the organization as a complement to the information and knowledge that the KLMS is sending TO the employees. 

See the video on how to create a Survey

This video is recorded on May 21, 2019. 
Note: Some FAQ info can be outdated due to the continuous development of the platform and the progress of functionality. 


How to create a Test with AI in K3

How to create a Test with AI in K3

This is how you create a Test in K3 and a Material and Course while at it.

1. Open up the AI prompter in the top menu bar. 

K3 test creationstep1 screens 241007

2. Write a prompter that fits your needs. 

K3 test creationstep2 screens 241007

3. Clic on the Test symbol to unfold more than a prompter reply. 

K3 test creationstep3 screens 241007

4. Drag the bars to your liking and click Create when you are done. 

In this example, we created a Material (prompt reply as you are used to in ChatGPT), a test with 15 questions, and a Course. 

K3 test creationstep4 screens 241007

5. The view will be lit When the material is ready in full reply from ChgatGPT in the backend. 

K3 test creationstep5 screens 241007

6. When you click on the View: You will go to the Material to edit the reply.

K3 test creationstep7 screens 241007

In the meantime, the test is being created on the back end. 

7. Go to Test in the left side of the screen to view the Tests you created 

K3 test creationstep8 screens 241007

8. Go to Test, view the questions, and start to moderate and edit. 

K3 test creationstep9a screens 241007

9. Go to the row and Hoover and click to use the pen. 

K3 test creationstep9b screens 241007

10. View the questions in the test and add some flavors to it 

Note the Extra tab. Clic around to explore. We have packed it with great features for people who love tests just as much as we do. 

K3 test creationstep9d screens 241007

Good luck with saving, downloading a PDF, and publishing the Test for others to use and take. 

K3 test creationstep9e screens 241007

K3 test creationstep9f screens 241007

I hope you find more than we covered in this FAQ! Enjoy. 

Once a test is used inside a Course, more features can be set. You can then add a Test level on the Course Final test or use a level on a subtest inside a course to move on to the next part. See the link on how to set passing levels on a test inside a Course. Note: A course can consist of only one Test with these functions activated, but the test itself can not. Learning without certifications, diplomas, or Participation Certificates is just a practice. 

Now go to the Course and see the Material and Test put together in the left menu. (Some Academies have this hidden). 


How to enhance your skills and get certifications of a Course in a LMS from Klick Data

How to enhance your skills and get certifications of a Course in a LMS from Klick Data

When a person educates themselves they strive to become "a better person of me". We have the drive to move further. To learn more for the sake of being curious and loving of knowledge itself for sure, but also to fill our own CV with certified knowledge in order to get a better life. You go courses onsite or online to reach somewhere. For the purpose of a future position within the company that you currently work for or for a future employer. 

The KLMS system offers a range of online courses that you can take. Depending on the Company and the admin on this organization who has the license to use the commercial system that KlikcData sells, the KLMS (Abbrovation for Klick Learning Management System) gives you access to Courses and the possibility to take Certifications. What is available to take is personal in the settings provided to you. 

Some Admin of a KLMS license sets the limit to a few Courses that are needed for you to do your work and to get the validation you know how to handle things within the Company. The Courses and Course Plan sent is defined by the Admin in Settings. 

Other Companies see the KLMS as an Employer Branding tool and encourage the staff members to take as many Courses possible. They have a budget for Education that the staff members take both on the work time but also invest in the future of an employee since they will leave one day and become an ambassador for the Company bringing clients and services to business after leaving the payroll. 

Course versus Course Plan 
In KLMS the definition of terminology is straightforward. The concept is set to Courses. (C)
Courses are divided into Material (M), Tests, (T), and Surveys (S). Material, Test, Survey as parts of a Course or Tasks are defined as Course Items (CI) 
A Course can have multiple parts in different orders. 

Attending certificate
A Course can consist of only a Material to take part in. Like a Terms of Use you click on by scroll fast to the OK button, the Material is presented to you and you are expected to read it. Maybe you do. Maybe you don't. The point is, when you click OK, you have read it and accepted it as learned and the management now can have the confirmation that you have been alerted, informed, and in one sense "educated".

If you break any rules, instructions and do not follow any of the information in the Material you had taken, the middle management can inform the higher management that "you were informed" and that no blame shall be given to him or her. "Cover the back of boss" - Course is sometimes used. The member of the staff has "Taken part. Might have understood. ". You have taken part, which is the point.  

Some governmental requirements like GDPR or sitting next to the emergency seat by telling the flight attendee that you have read and understood the procedure. Despite that you, in fact, might have a lot of questions and do not completely feel really sure you have is an example of this Participation "oral attending certificate". 

KLMS certificate definintion 200514

The stewardess could have spoken to you to fast and was given you instructions you did not understand fully, but your mindset and focus could have been somewhere else. The Stewardess has followed her mandatory instructions before take-off be instruct you and she is, therefore "Covered" if you indeed do not know how to open the emergency door in case of an emergency. There is no Test to make sure you now know and if you failed you need to move to another seat in the plane. As soon as you say "OK" to the Stewardess; the Emergency Seat Course is over and you "passed the test". 

The result of a Course with only a Material can be an attending certificate. A note of Participation Note or a Diploma. 

Diploma Certificate.
In KLMS you can have Material to learn, followed by a Test. This test can consist of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with one alternative being correct and the other incorrect or MCQs with more than one answer correct. Each question can have different points depending on the answer alternative given. The test can have a grading system set by the creator or the HR Department admin. Depending on the difficulty of the questions, your skill of knowledge at the time of taking the test, and the grading system.

A diploma can be given with zero correct answers correct given if the creator has decided to set the grading system at this level. The KLMS system is established to create a certificate for people who run nuclear power stations and need to know a subject to 100% before passing the test to 180 degrees on the other side of demand with people who take yoga class instruction tutorials. Freedom of the admin and course creator to set its own standard is a choice. 

When you have a grading system in a test and users have taken the test and pass the test within the limits, you can have a Certification Diploma of different levels. You will receive a Diploma with a Grade. The Certificate publisher who created the Course and made the test decides what you will get in terms of Certificate. And at what levels. If you have a skill to learn and lots of followers on YouTube, you can certify the crowd that follows you by adding tests and give them certifications with you as the Publisher of the Certificate using the system. If your company has its own Academy, you can have certifications from this Company. 

This certification is to be added to your LinkedIn profile. 

Master certificate
If you add certifications in the plural in a subject, admin can set a Master Certifications with many Courses completed. So if Course A, Course B, and Course C is passed with a Certificate: You will receive a Master Certificate. So a Master's degree can be set with Certifications from many Courses. It can be given with or without any extra afford. Admin can set the bar of a Master Certificate by adding a Final Exam Test with questions from previous Courses. The system allows picking random questions from a pool of questions previously used in courses. Or add new. 

Online training is in 2020 and in the decade of 2020 to follow a center of learning and with KLMS the Knowledge Network is our vision. As a customer using the KLMS, either as a student in an educational institution using the KLMS or within a Company having established its own Academy with the KLMS platform or being a freelancer using the possibilities to teach online and give your pupils or followers a possibility to certify their knowledge after taking part of your skills you provide; The KLMS offer you a solution for the ever ongoing learning process. 

Open Courses versus closed 
Open Courses is Courses created for the Public to take when he or she logs in to KLMS. Open Courses can have a price to take or be free. Limited courses or closed Courses are courses that are set to specific companies, groups, or individuals. Admin of the KLMS account decides which courses are available to you. 

You can log in to a company account of KLMS with a certain amount of Courses accessible to you and you can log in to a different account like the Klick Data account and have a different set of courses, tests, surveys, course plans, and materials available.  

To summarize the different level of certifications and Diploma possible to acquire within the KLMS from a technical standpoint: 
In this FAQ article, we have described the difference and finalize the terminology of what we actually mean and make a clear distinction between
A. Attendances certificate/ Participation (no demand of knowledge required, the test can be absent)
B. Diploma (Passed test with a set limit. Limit to pass can be zero, but test in the Course is involved)
C. Certification (Passed a limit that can be different depending on the grading system. If diploma has a pass/no pass limit, certifications have technically 3, like fail, ok and good.
D. Master certification. Multiple passed Course can give a Master Certification (with or without a final test/ Exam test)

Update: May 14, 2020


How to set a passing level on a Course including a Test

How to set a passing level on a Course including a Test

1. Create a Course with AI from the upper top menu, including a Test (see link)

You can create a course from the upper right level in K3 with the help of AI. Or start from scratch in the admin section. 

When using the AI muffin, you are helped by the AI assistance built into the K3 platform. Its an excellent tool. Please try it out! 

K3 FAQ testlevels 1a 250127

2. Go to the Extra Tab and scroll down to Test passing levels 

K3 FAQ testlevels 2 250127

3. Activate the Test level passing function 

K3 FAQ testlevels 3 250127

4. Set the level of percentage to pass. 

You can also determine how often the test results can be improved by repeating before closing the availability. When allowed to repeat, the best results will count. 

K3 FAQ testlevels 4 250127

5. Set the End reward to be a Diploma or certificate. 

In Settings, you can create your passing levels if you want to use a certificate system. So, the user will receive a diploma or certificate as a reward . 

K3 FAQ testlevels 5 250127

The K3 has templates for Certification grade systems. 

K3 FAQ testlevels 6 250127

Good luck with setting repeat and test score levels! 

See more on FAQ: How to create a Test 

Set a Grade system 

How to set the Certification levels. 


How to take a test in KlickData KLMS

How to take a test in KlickData KLMS

To take a Test. Go to the top Bar and chose "Tests". 

Select Catalogue. Scroll or search. Click on Start. Take the Quiz. 

See the results and view the Questions. Print a Diploma if you pass the test. 

See Video on how to Take a Test in our FAQ video Nr 2. How to Take a Test


How to use Artificial Intelligence AI with ChatGPT in LMS system KLMS.

How to use Artificial Intelligence AI with ChatGPT in LMS system KLMS.

To get ten reasons to upgrade to Klick Datas' new version and an exclusive time-limited offer to boost your productivity and creativity 10X: Clic to http://chat.k3.io while it lasts. 

The most groundbreaking function we have ever added to our online educational platform.

Yes, ChatGPT is fantastic. Yes, it's jaw-dropping. Yes. You don't use Google as much as you used to. ChatGPT has revolutionized our search habits as humans in just a few months. ChatGPT has reached over 100 million users in approximately ten weeks, a new groundbreaking record for anything online. (December 2022-February 2023). The early followers will follow early adopters, and then the mainstream will quickly adapt to the extent of the millions, not to say billions. 

The use of AI did explode on the Internet at the end of 2022. With the prompter-to-image and prompter-to-text functions now being widely used and accepted into the mainstream in society, with a wide range of text-to-summary or check-my-code, the usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come here to stay. And to change society massively and profoundly than we cant foreseen yet. 

For those who missed ChatGPT: You enter a text in a prompt and get a unique reply from a bot service that is even more useful than if you would google it. It's lots more, but basically that.  (See www.openai.com

And the even better news is: Using the KlickData KLMS system: It's even more valuable and easy to handle the searches and prompts. 

Trust us: This added functionality is the best function we have added during our 31 years of existence as a player in the online education industry. Creating course material in our learning management system is super helpful. Not only that: It also enhances the usage of ChatGPT itself since you can tag the chats and add summaries to them for later usage and export them directly to CSV and textiles. So we think you will love using ChatGPT and enhancing your workday through KLMS even if you did not plan to create courses.

Any Academy in KLMS will be a bin for your inquiries. Let's not get ahead of ourselves in the hallelujah moments here and go through how we have made the improvements step by step. 

Because it all started with the frustration we felt from the copy-and-paste activities, the waiting, and the telex-like feel when we got the replies using ChatGPT. 

To summarize: 

KlickData KLMS improvements to ChatGPT summarized (Sorry for the long list)

  • Quick button in the menu for direct access to ChatGPT functionality with AI text+image
  • Automatic saving in Materials "like Evernote" immediately after sending the prompt
  • Instantly send a new prompt without waiting for the telex prompter to end. We take care of your prompts, like valet parking. Just give us the key, sorry: Prompt. We will take care of it while you go to the hotel room. Or write next.
  • Write one prompt with a comma for follow-up questions in one shot. Semicolon for new "chat" or Material as we call it. 
  • Instant editing with Grammarly without one click, cut and paste—no copy-paste like ordinary people. 
  • The telex replies "from 1959," and it's waiting for a thing of the past -> the whole reply comes immediately. You are released to send a new prompt while we take care of the last one in the backend. No waiting line. This is the Business Class version of ChatGPT. It's ChatGPT Upgraded. You can easily focus on the content-creating business while we take care of the ChatGPT administration in the backend. 
  • Saved chats with custom tags, summary, category, and date for later use. We organize all search you do for our need to create a report, document, research paper, marketing campaign, or whatever. Or Course. It's better than Evernote.  
  • Search with your tags in stylish filtering among the chats with one click. 
  • Send prompts and follow-ups at the same time using a comma 
  • Send more than one prompt at the same time using a semicolon 
  • History of your edits. When you created them and when you last edited for easy search when you have many. And you will. 
  • One button export to Word, PDF, and CSV. You use KLMS for your ChatGPT searches: You then have a clean export. And you can choose multiple chats for export into one document. 
  • One-button translation using API to Google Translate / GPT
  • Summarizing questions and answers in a text block with selected parts that can be ticked off.
  • Save the follow-up questions you need or leave some out, 
  • Automatically generated image created for the Material as cover image.
  • Create unique images with ChatGTP image creation for your needs. 
  • The follow-up questions are in the Materials section, just as you are used to in ChatGPT.
  • Import and export with retained or cleared formatting. No need to laundry the text when you want it plain for cut and paste. 
  • Direct possibility to enter the information in courses as added Material. 
  • Translations in a single click 
  • Combination of text blocks of requests and follow-up questions 
  • Human edits are marked in color to differentiate plain GPT replies from the moderation of YOU. So the AI facts are separated from the fiction and checked, edited, and accepted by a human hand.

Step by step for AI and ChatGPT in LMS system KlickData KLMS

Pardon if this page part below has not been updated since version 6.81 in January 24, 2023. We are fully focused on producing extraordinary functionality to add productivity boost to our clients. So some screens are already old. You will still understand the concept conceptionally, but you must try to understand it with your heart. You cant explain the rollercoaster in words. You need to order a ticket to ride K3 here.

1. First, go to the menu where we put a shortcut. 

We have added a shortcut (A symbol of a Robot or, more likely, a muffin) in the upper menu once you are logged in and registered in an Academy in KlickData KLMS so that you can create the chats with one click: 

KD KLMS FAQ AI menu robotsymbol 230212

2. Write your prompts as you like to have a reply from the ChatGPT bot. 

This is how it looked like (on Feb 12, 2023

KD KLMS FAQ AI prompter1a 230212

2b.  Write a prompt text.  This is an inquiry to the AI bot to be instructed to summarize, collect data, or make something you like up. In February 2023, we wish ChatGPT should have a radio button instruction for separate Fiction and Facts, but their team has not yet implemented this.

You will figure out how to best use the skills of the prompter input like a rider rides a horse. The ChatGPT is the horse. You need to figure out how to ride it as well as you can. It is not perfect. It is not 100% correct. It is not bulletproof. But 95-98% is magical—and mindblowing good. And saves a lot of time and money, depending on how you use it. This is up to you. 

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They will be saved as Materials. If you have ever used the Evernote app or service: it is similar to this system. You send a prompt. No need for Save. It is autosaved for your convenience by the butler we have for you in the backend, as you would expect from a BusinessClass version of ChatGPT.

Since we can't do anything on the ChatGPT side, we are just using the service and make it easier for the KLMS users; we will lid the View button when ChatGPT is done and has replied and answered. Sometimes the server is down due to some heavy traffic (because ChatGPT usage grows around the World like a Chinese-made virus created by a lab in Wuhan). But we let you continue asking questions. 

So we have separated the creative parts of asking questions you need the AI to work on from the disturbance of waiting for the reply to finish before you analyze the reply. If you walk to the Dry Cleaner, you don't expect to leave the shirt at a time and then wait there for him to wash, dry, iron, hang, put plastic, and deliver to you before you put the next shirt for him to clean. We let you give the AI/ "Dry cleaner" a bag full of prompts ("shirts") and let you know when it's ready to pick up. It is obvious to us, after using this ourselves, that this UX is much better. 

KD KLMS FAQ AI prompter2d 230212

As soon as you send a request by clicking the Create button, you are released to send a new one. No need to line up and wait as in the ChatGPT version (out at the time when this was written). We take care of it in the backend. We made it as you rest here because when you are in the flow of things asking for something, you might as well tweak the question just slightly; "The most trusted links on the checklist for ISO 9000 certification" can be changed to The most trusted links on the checklist for ISO 9001 certification" or "The most trusted links on the checklist for ISO 14001 certification" with copy and paste. 

Note: We introduced a semicolon for separating two prompts and a comma for follow-up questions. And (soon) an import function so you can import a batch. Like leaving a laundry bag to the cleaning lady or gentlemen. 

Example 1. 
"The most trusted links on the checklist for ISO 9000 certification, The most trusted links on the checklist for ISO 9000 certification" will have two MAterials saved (M1+M2)
Example 2.
"The most trusted links on the checklist for ISO 9000 certification, show more, explain even further" will have "show more as follow up Question number one (FUQ1) and "explain even further" as FUQ2, but both saved in one single Material. 
Example 3. 
Clic on Import: Send a csv file with multiple rows of questions: We batch it for you. 

Add an image created by ChatGPT. 

KD KLMS FAQ AI prompter2f 230212

ChatGPT can create excellent text with the help of AI. Still, it can also produce images based on the prompter text: No matter if you use Text to Text or Text to image radio buttons: A cover image will be automatically created in the background with either a text or an image. So when you create an image specifically to get specific prompts for this, you will get a 2 for the price of 1 option. Cover images and up under the Extra tab. 

Shortcut to Listings 

You can also use the Shortcut to go to the list without the long way in the menu system. This is useful when you want to see and scroll through your materials without asking ChatGPT for new summarized information. 

Clic List will bring you to the List of your Materials. Initially thought to be the smallest part of a course, like songs in a Playlist on Spotify, you can now save all the essential prompts created by the ChatGPT for later use even if you do not intend to create courses. It is like an Evernote 2.0. 

When you go to the List, and the ChatGPT has not delivered a reply to the KLMS server (yet), you will see this in the listing. 

KD KLMS FAQ AI Material list 1a 230212

When you click on the pen when you hoover or at the end of the row: You can edit the reply in the Material. 

We strongly recommend the third-party software Grammarly to clean the ChatGPT text.

KD KLMS FAQ AI Material1b 230212 

When you edit, there is no need to copy and paste from the ChatGPT bot. This is the Business Class version and the way you like to have it. It seems like not a big deal, but after using this in KLMS, you will never want to go back. This is golden. 

You are recommended to use tags, so you find the stuff easier because you are going to create a lot, and when you need to use it, you find it with the filter system our KLMS users love. It's just organizing every piece of information you need most speedily. 

And then, if you like to leave KLMS: you download to Word, Excel, or PDF. 

KD KLMS FAQ AI Download1a 230212

Before you download: Make sure you have cleaned the text with Grammarly, a very useful third-party software for millions of people. Because ChatGTP is clumsy and not great at perfect English. In our experience, we recommend English- Grammarly-> Translate before using a local language directly. 

Valet parking or bottles at the return station? 

KD KLMS FAQ AI ChatGPT down 230213

Since Klick Data KLMS is a separate system working with ChatGPT in the backend: We take care of your prompts even when the ChatGPT server is down. You can send them to us, and we will take care of them by leaving a bag of shirts at the dry cleaner. You don't need to stand at the return station and put empty plastic bottles in one by one. If that's not enough of an argument right there, then we recommend you use James Webb Telescope to search for solar planets and present the result at a press conference in Paris. 

Alternative ways to Create Material and add AI-generated content without using the shortcut in the menu

1. Create a Material. Go to Create/ Material and click on the Plus sign

KD FAQ AI ChatGPT AIprompter en 1 230127

2. Clic on Add Material Type 

KD FAQ AI ChatGPT AIprompter en 2 230127

3. Choose AI Prompter 

KD FAQ AI ChatGPT AIprompter en 2b 230127

4. Type a Text instruction to let ChatGPT do the work for you. 

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5. Put a smile on your face and put your hands on the back of your neck. ChatGPT has a lot of work to do. You are not alone in asking. It's not a bug in KLMS if you need to wait a few seconds. It is however much faster than watching the text on the screen in ChatGPT. 

6. When you are done: You are thrown out to the listing. You can start all over again or view and edit the results. Hoover used the pen tool to edit the created Material. Or use the pen tool at the end of the row,

7. ChatGPT is not perfect. It would be recommended that you edit the answer in the Material a bit, but it's a breeze. 

KD FAQ AI ChatGPT AIprompter en 4 230127

8. Using Grammarly on top of the text generated is strongly recommended. ChatGPT needs language editing, and the same verbs are, as an example, used heavily, making the text un-personal and robotlike. Please fix it! If you are not familiar with Grammarly: It is a great tool. 

KD FAQ AI ChatGPT AIprompter en 4b 230127

9. Fix the headline to be shorter and make a summary that makes sense and does not just sound like an inquiry. 

KD FAQ AI ChatGPT AIprompter en 6b 230127

10. Add tags to find it later when you need to reuse it and create the course. Or find inquiries for later use when you write an article, essay, school report, or webpage. This does not limit KLMS use. In version 7.02, we added the possibility to let tags be added direct at the sending of prompts to let more time be saved. 

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11. Save the draft. Or publish the Material in the Academy. Or make the Material Public. 

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KD FAQ AI ChatGPT AIprompter en 5d 230127

12. Voila. Call, publish online on social media, or text a friend and show them the improvement of ChatGPT inside KLMS. If you could tell your HR department about us and the great advantage your organization will have when you enhance your staff skills, we would be super happy. 

13. In the Listing of Material, you can mark and export the ChatGPT generated texts from KLMS to CSV for import in Excel or Google Sheets or to Textfile so you can work flawlessly and quickly with your task

14. In the same way you have created a text, you can create an image with the help of AI and the Open AI project. Just type how the Image will look, and AI will generate it. This function also works for cover images.

Remember that we will enhance the AI to be even better quickly and that this FAQ is likely outdated very soon. This FAQ was made on the first alfa version. But we love it and use it heavily ourselves. Who needs Google when you have KLMS with ChatGPT built in? 

Note that we have this service for a special introducation offer for a limited time if you like to try KLMS and our service K3 BusinessClass K3 during 2023. 


How to use My Statistics in KlickData KLMS

How to use My Statistics in KlickData KLMS

In Klick Data learning Management System KLMS you as the User can view your progress in several different forms of Statistics. This FAQ video about the 

 See the FAQ video about My Statistics 

This video was recorded on May 14, 2019. 
Note: Some FAQ info, design and functionality can be outdated due to the continuous development of the platform and the progress of making the user experience better. 


How to use My Users and Groups as admin in KlickData KLMS

How to use My Users and Groups as admin in KlickData KLMS

Klick Data Learning Management System, KLMS as we call it deals with users with login access. All these issues are dealt with for admins with the administration's right privileges. 

This FAQ video display on how you deal with users and groups in KLMS

This video was recorded on May 16, 2019. 
Note: Some FAQ info, design and functionality can be outdated in the video due to the continuous development of the platform and the progress of making the user experience better. Enjoy KLMS. Please, don't hesitate to contact us with feedback if your questions were not answered or covered in this video or FAQ post.  


How to use the Authoring tool in KlickData KLMS

How to use the Authoring tool in KlickData KLMS

To create with the Authoring Tool, you need to have the Admin privilege set by the KlickData account representative at your company/ organization.

Video: How to use the Authoring Tool in Klick Data

This video is recorded on June 26, 2019. 
Note: Some FAQ info can be outdated due to the continuous development of the platform and the progress of functionality. 


How to use the e-course player in Klick Data KLMS

How to use the e-course player in Klick Data KLMS

Klick Data has produced interactive video tutorials in computer software training and Softskills since 1992. These productions (see list of 261 Klick Data e-courses) have mainly been targeting the Swedish market and the e-courses have mostly been recorded in Swedish (videokurser på svenska) and some few in English. The e-course player has a lot of premium functionalities for transport knowledge as shown in this FAQ video. Note. The e-course player from Klick Data shall not be mixed with video links in a Course in KLMS with links from YourTube and Vimeo, which also can be a part of a course and be very useful too. The e-course player has an index within the player and you can bookmark parts to learn and take notes. If your company and organization need to create an e-course with this premium functionality with the E-course player from Klick data and use in the KLMS to the staff: Contact your local Klick Data representative and we will offer our service in producing such a course and place inside the KLMS for your solution (sv. kundanpassade ekurser)

See FAQ about the Klick Data e-course player in KLMS here. 

This video was recorded on May 14, 2019. 
Note: Some FAQ info, design and functionality can be outdated due to the continuous development of the platform and the progress of making the user experience better. 


Klick Data links for Social media

KlickData Learning platform roles for the different usages

KlickData Learning platform roles for the different usages

Within a license, roles are defined as follows in a General matter.

AA/ Academy Administrators: This role gives access to manage the KLMS. One AA is the Master Administrator and the head of the KLMS Academy. There are different roles within the AA level in order for Academy to work with group admins and authoring as well admin users. 

AU/ Academy Users or Learners are the users (sv. användare). Generally, there are the employees and if a school the Students. AU has access to course content, tests, and Surveys. An AA is also per definition an AU. AU is the definition of an account within the Academy  

Apart from the internal users of AU and AA within the organization, KLMS has great usefulness for the organization with “outside” users.  

Note. The Main Administrator can define roles for who will do what in case of differentiation is needed for principals, HR managers, IT administrators, etc. You can be precisely set any roles in the KLMS as KLMS offers a variety of templates and detailed function settings for each level of authority. (see FAQ about Role in Settings)

With a Site license, there are more users to be added and described as followed.  

EP/ Employee Prospects: Before being hired into an organization, many clients use KLMS to filter the candidates and let them be an AU with the ability to take tests, surveys, and sometimes courses and introduce them to the organization with pre- onboard training. These AU will stay AU as long as they are in the process of being hired.   

DAC/ Distributors, Agents, and Clients. For the benefit of an organization, many clients of Klick Data use KLMS outside its organization's borders. Educating the network of distributors is an important task for many of KlickData's clients. The AU is not hired as employees of the organization but has the right to use the KLMS for the organization's benefit.  

SR/ Survey recipients. Organizations need to find out information from the outside world in order to make rational decisions based on validated data. Therefore the KLMS is used for Surveys and data analysis. KLMS will generate surveys with links for external use so the survey recipients can reply without being an employee of the organization. These AU will have limited access to KLMS and normally only reply to surveys. Technically the SR can update the account to an AU.

KD KLMS circle world roles 211219.001


KLMS developer team

Project Manager of KLMS and CEO (2013-2020)
Magnus Jungbeck (MJ)
The long-time loyal team lead of Klick Data, Magnus Jungbeck has been the project lead of the KLMS system for almost a decade. He joined Klick Data in the midst of the financial crisis and has been passionately selling the older version of the KLMS, the K3, and has been responding for this success as well as getting the KLMS to the level it is today. 

Product manager 
Johan Sölve. (JS) 
A long term project manager in building great software systems. Founded the foundation for KLMS after some earlier and abandoned projects with his project team in Halmstad. Without the foundation of Johan Sölve and his team in 2016-2018, KLMS would have been yet another of project that would end up being not further developed. 

Office Manager
Sherif Elsayed, (SS)
Office manager, company accounted, and content manager apart from HR responsible. Manager of Grow Knowledge Ltd, Cairo. Most senior representatives among team development.

Content Manager MENA
Dina Wishahy, (DW)
The content manager manages a team of 4-5 taggers who tag questions from TQC and ST to Wikipedia articles. English teacher with good skills in learning, English, and around knowledge. She is also part-time working as a Soap Opera Actress in Egyptian Television.  

Content Team Arabic
Yosra Elwashi (YE) 
Has created over 20000 MCQs in Arabic and is in the team of creators, taggers, and validators since 2017.

Salma Hannun (SH)
Has created over 28000 MCQs in Arabic and is in the team since 2017.

Backend Manager
Ahmed Mwafi (AW):
Very skillful backend developer and have worked with the team since summer 2014. He has created order in database structure and rewritten API (A2) of apps and import scripts for questions. He has a gold medal in Stackoverflow and is leading the backend team.

Frontend Developer
Mahmoud Hawdy. (MH) . Has been working with backend since September 2012. He has been involved in WOK structure and API. Today assist in A2. Improving SAQ and admin in WOKcraft.com.

Robin Jensen (RJ)
A frontend developer situated in Halmstad with Laravel and Angular as his expertise. Building Admin sections and User Sections for the KLMS

Anas F el-khateeb 
A Belarus full-stack developer who joined the team in 2020. 

iOS developer
George Gamal Kastor (GG)
Very talented and skillful mobile app developer and have high skills in programming. The chief architect of app Quiz King for iOS (former WOKbattle) and Quiz King for Facebook. Worked since Sept 2012 with a break between April 2014-Nov 2014.

Mohammed Diaa Alkawi (MD)
iOS developer that was first in the team to be hired and been developing app WOkquiz and WOKwiki for iOS. Main developer for the WikiMaster iOS app.

Android developer & Fullstack Backend and Frontend KLMS
Khaled Lela (KL)
Android developer since April 2014 and have been developing app Quiz King for Android (QKA) and now work with WOKwiki Android (WWA and since 2019 in KLMS frontend. Skillful and fast learner and very devoted to team and WOK.

Mahmoud Elnaggar (MN).
Android developer developing QKA together with KL. Associated with the team still in need when overworking and in need for sprint deadlines extra work.

Chief Graphical Design and Deputy Project Manager 
Markus Bolinder (MB)
A project manager with a team build experience and a graphical team lead to build the renewed brand of Klick data with the introduction of the new look of the KlickData brand and logo in which KLMS fits.  

Ahmed Samir, (AS)
The designer joined the team in December 2014. A very skillful and fast learner. Joomla developer. Laravel and Angular developer since 2017. Frontend implementer in KLMS.

Mohammed Raddaf, (MR)
Skillful, creative, and very experienced in Photoshop. Part-time on an hourly basis, Design Master for Quiz King and WOKwiki. And other apps. Previously also WOKquiz.

Chris Tornerhielm (CT)
A great software engineer for Web design and a Joomla and WordPress Expert. Contributes to the KLMS on a daily basis with the official webpage in design, ease of use, and content. 

Senior Software structure validator 
Bruno Neeser (BN)
Working in the Board of Klick Data since 2003 until 2020 Bruno Neeser has been contributing to the team effort with his deep skill in structure and code validation. He has been the last sort of dealing with tasks that have been stuck for any reason. Solving issues like WD-40, all teams should have a WOZ-like person who comes in when needed. Klick Data is lucky to have had BN for such a long time fueling the success of KLMS.

Founder and entrepreneur and CEO 2020
Erik Bolinder (EB)
Company Founder is since May 2020 back as CEO after leaving this job in 2013. On a daily basis project lead for the KLMS during spring of 2020 EB are on the mission to give the World the best system for learning it has yet seen and KLMS is part of the Knowledge Network he has as his vision to build.  

Erik Bolinder was awarded GFEL Top 100 in Education Award in 2019 for his efforts in the EdTech industry.


List of Functions in KlickData KLMS

List of Functions in KlickData KLMS

The list of functionality in a learning management system can be evaluated and compared. This is the list of functions in the KlickData KLMS. We define the functions into the roles of different users that we have created different functionalities for.

The Klick Data Academy, where individuals and small business owners have space and can sign up within a minute with the Settings adjusted for these groups, or "The Customer Academy", where the HR department or the Schools teachers and principals set the rules and standards after they sign a Site license contract.

1. Academy User :
From the perspective of Klick Data, a User or Academy User (AU) is a Learner with an account that gets him or her access to KLMS. It could be an Employee of a Company or a Student studying at a University or college. It could be an applicant for a job at a company, a distributor, a community citizen at a library, a customer, or a worker at a distributor. Depending on the Academy. 

2. Academy Tutor
A Tutor or Academy Tutor (AT) is using KLMS to expand his or her business by selling his knowledge to others by creating Online Courses or Curriculums. A Tutor can put Material, Tests, and Surveys into a Course and Create Course Plans to send to others. An Academy Tutor can Save content produced as Private, Publish to Academy or Publish Globally to the Open Library. This role is the role of the Producer of Content. Technically this role is also called a Group Admin. 

3. Academy Account Administrator 
The HR department has appointed a CLMO, Chief Learning Management Officer within a company. He or she is responsible for the individual learning plans and assigns the courses to users, groups, or the company. The CLMO is in charge of the Online Education platform, such as KLMS, and makes sure the set budget for education is best used for the ROI. From the company perspective and from the employee perspective. 

The top menu choice is called Admin in KLMS. Academy Account Admin (AAA) or shorter Academy Admin (AA) can import users and export and delete accounts within the company and are the main contact with Klick Data or the Distributor of Klick Data. For a Corporate Academy (CA) or an Educational Academy (EA), this is the same functionality. The HR Manager at a University or a College is the Principal, Teacher, or Dean.

The AAA (Super Admin within the admins) can set a variety of Roles to the KLMS for each user and admin and specify which functions are to be available. So a larger organization can have a more sophisticated set of levels of authority for using KLMS. 

KLMS FAQ role admin2 220428

4. Master Admin (MA):
This account is held by Klick Data or Distributor and the highest account. The functionality of Master Admin is to set up Academies and supervise functionality and support AAAs in their efforts to get the highest ROI on their investment. The feedback loop from AAA, Tutors, and Users is gathered with Data Analysis in order to improve the system for the benefit of all Customers. 
Administrators Academy administrator = admin Group admin: Academy manager or Academy Teacher

The hiring process with KLMS as a tool.
When a company hires; KLMS is used to check the applicant's skills, values, and experience with the help of KLMS. It is a powerful tool for certification before entering the organization.
Its also a tool to educate partners, distributors, and even customers. No matter if you take a course by assignment from your boss, teach a subject with a webinar or administrate your staff knowledge, or sell the KLMS B2B, the KLMS offers functionality that is listed here. 

Functionality that is working, in progress, or will be implemented as part of the plan.  

Table of content.
1. User functions in KLMS main Klick Data Account
The functionality when you open an account in Klick Data, under the Klick Data Academy and use KLMS as a User or a Tutor. 

1b. User functions in KLMS at an Academy Account
Being a staff member or employee in a company or work as a distributor or reseller of a company, you have the role of a User in the KLMS. Even a person that is about to get hired can use KLMS as a user on a Company Academy Account (CAA).
The same thing applies to Educational Academy Accounts (EAA) in schools, colleges, and Universities. Students are the users.

2. Academy administrator functions in KLMS
As an HR Manager or a CLMO, you have the tool to overview the progress of the Organization Knowledge Progress on a Company, Group, or individual level. 

3. Master functions in KLMS
The role of a Distributor of the KLMS has the functionality to administrate different clients and many Academies. 

4. Explanations
Explanation of the terminology and stars in this overview


List of KLMS Academies with open registrations

List of KLMS Academies with open registrations

In the following Academy/ Academies, you can use Klick Data and the ChatGTP service for executives for an introductory offer for a limited period of time. 

- K3 BusinessClass: https://business.k3.io : To sign up fo this Academy, Go to http://chat.k3.io
For the time being, you can use the BusinessClass version of ChatF`GPT on this site during 2023. 


Question types can you add in a Test in the KLMS

Question types can you add in a Test in the KLMS

General explanations and listings of the questions to be put in a Test and Survey.

Several types of questions can be used in a test or survey. Some common types of questions include:

1.  Multiple choice questions:
These are questions with a list of options from which the respondent must select the correct answer. 

2.  True/false questions:
These are questions with a statement that the respondent must evaluate as either true or false.

3.  Short answer questions:
These open-ended questions require the respondent to provide a brief written response.

4.  Essay questions 
Essay questions are open-ended questions that require the respondent to provide a more detailed written response.

5.  Rating scale questions
These questions ask the respondent to rate something on a scale, such as a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest rating and 5 being the highest.

6.  Ranking questions:
These questions ask the respondent to rank a list of items in order of preference or importance.

7.  Matrix questions:
These questions ask the respondent to evaluate a list of items using a rating scale or a set of predetermined responses.

8.  Likert scale questions:
These questions ask the respondent to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with a statement using a scale, such as strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree.

9. Open-ended questions
Open-ended questions are questions that do not have a predetermined set of responses and allow the respondent to provide a free answer.

10. Closed-ended questions
Closed-ended questions have a predetermined set of responses and do not allow the respondent to provide a free answer.

Questions to be put in a Test and Survey in KLMS

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In KLMS, you can choose MCQs in single or multiple answers. 

The most common type in KLMS is an MCQ (1), with a single alternative being correct.  (sv. envalsfråga). 

A single-choice question is a multiple-choice question (MCQ) with one correct alternative and one or many incorrect alternatives. A radio button indicates that it's a single choice since only one alternative can be chosen by the respondent (person who answers)

These single Choice questions are the most common and, in our opinion, the most helpful type of question you can put to the test (or quiz) based on facts.

Why? Because we have over a half million already made for you!

Create your own questions, tests, and quizzes from your own company or educational need, alternate from any template, or retrieve from the WOK Database of over 500000 MCQs.

WOK is a database with over 500000 MCQs with single choice questions with or without images from Wikimedia Commons that are indexed to Wikipedia articles and part of the ecosystem of the KLMS. All these fact-based MCQs are indexed with tags based on Wikipedia articles. This makes the KLMS unique among LMS systems. Write a Wikipedia article name to choose MCQ from. KLMS will do the job and find relevant test questions for you with four alternatives, one correct and three incorrect. Note: If you use the images in these imported questions when you import, you are bound to follow the Open Source legal license.   

Note: If you are to create MCQ or SCQ for your company routines, practices, and guidelines: Wikipedia-based MCQ is not the best fit. Read more about the types of MCQs you will need in this FAQ

A multiple-choice question (MCQ) is a type of question with one or many (all) correct answers and zero, one, or many incorrect alternatives. Before each alternative is a checkmark box, which indicates one or many of the alternatives can be checked when the respondent answer. One, many, or all can be the correct answer in opposition to single-choice (SCQ), where only one answer is correct. 

Technically a True/False or a Yes/No question is an SCQ with either Yes or No or true or false as the input and the correct answer. In a survey, it's the same types of questions. But there is no "correct alternative" that the test author has put in the database to be correct. Its all opinions and "open end" for the admin to review. 

All above is a type of close-end questions (10) with no possible way to add an alternative. You can add an open alternative into MCQ, which complements the preset of alternatives with an open-ended question. (9)  

Short-answer questions, Essay questions, Open End question means that the respondent needs to add an answer (3,4,9). In KLMS, we call these Open Questions (prior also called input). 

Ranking (6), Rating (5), Matrix (7), and Likert are in the roadmap of 2023 and not in KLMS as of the production of this FAQ. 

Read more about the different types of MCQ to use in corporations and in a different types of organizations. 


Record your Course Material directly in the KLMS with one clic

Record your Course Material directly in the KLMS with one clic

One of the advantages of learning via the computer is that you can record a video that records your movements and sounds with a screen recording. This can be done externally in other programs, but it can be done quickly without software in Klick Data's learning platform KLMS.

A. You can record video (if you have a camera installed on the computer, which the vast majority have today with just yourself explaining or narrating with video (and audio)
B. You can record what you do on the screen with sound
C. You can only record an audio recording without video or screen
D. Or you can record a screen recording with yourself as the instructor so that the recipients, who will go through your course or your presentation, can see you with your body movements and facial expressions and make it more personal.
All of this is nothing new when it comes to learning platforms or presentations. The simple thing about Klick Data is that you can get started inside the learning platform by pressing a button.

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Once logged into Klick Data's learning platform, click on the round button at the top right of the screen.

As an admin, you have the option of recording. But also as a user in standard mode. An academy administrator can remove this option.

You choose one of the four options described above. (Video, Screen, Sound, or Video+Screen) .

Then you select which part of the screen or which window you want to record. You can select a tab, full screen, or a specific window.

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If you click on Use as Material, you will go directly into Create Material.

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If you save it as Material, you end up in the Create Material module. Here you can change the title and "paint" the course material with details such as an explanation, content, time stamps, tags, etc., just like in any material. If you want to save it quickly to edit later, save it as a draft or publish it publicly in your academy.


Register as a user in an academy in KlickData KLMS

Register as a user in an academy in KlickData KLMS

Registering to an Academy in Klick Data KLMS is easy. KLMS (KlickData LMS) is an ecosystem of Academies that belong together but are isolated islands. Some academies are for employees only. Some are targeted at distributors. Some are schools and educational institutions. Some are for governmental bodies. Some are open. Some are closed.  Some academies are like teams cooperating over geographical boundaries. 

We are building the Knowledge Network. We believe everybody creates knowledge as well as learns. Just as everyone is a producer of content on social media: We believe LMS should emphasize creating content and learning the information they need to do a great job in the workplace. 

Validation is the key when information is accessible to everyone. And this is the core of KLMS. But let's focus on how to register. 

  • Go to any Academy that is open to register. (see List)
  • Register. The easiest way to Signup is at http://chat.k3.io
  • Log in 
  • Start using KLMS as a personal learning tool or just as the Business Class version of ChatGPT. 

Examples of Academies open to registrations can be found here


The Educators and their roles in a course online and onsite in the context of a learning management system

The Educators and their roles in a course online and onsite in the context of a learning management system

Educators (A,B,C,D): Teachers, Instructors, Authors, and Tutors are all educators in the sense they teach, instruct and show the learners online and onsite how to do things and understand the World.

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The teacher (A) is the person who teaches and communicates with learners, and learners can communicate with the teacher. It is synchronous communication. Teacher show as Instructors do, but learners can ask teachers questions and get a reply.

Tiger Woods is not a teacher unless he is on the golf course with you or in a webinar answering your questions directly. In a YouTube video on how to play golf, Tiger Wood is an instructor, not a teacher.
In a webinar, a teacher (A) calls the webinar and presents the lesson. If the webinar is saved for later use, the webinar will be a video, and the learners can not communicate with the educator; hence, an instructor (C) now leads the former webinar, which is now a video.

The tutor (B) is a teacher who leads an onsite (or offsite) course and determines the grade. The Tutor can be said to be the Main Teacher of the Onsite or blended Course if there are many teachers (A) or instructors (C) in the course events.

If the online course does not have any events with synchronous moments where you can communicate with a teacher (C), the Course has not a Tutor but an author. The author does not need to be an instructor, just as a person who puts songs in a playlist does not need to play music; He is simply the person who has put the course together.

Why is this distinction between the roles important? 

We could have Educators as the only term here. Still, just as we have a role for Headmasters and Teachers in a school, the distinctions are important for understanding who is in charge of the teaching progress and whether there is anyone you can talk to face-to-face during the course. 

In a purely online course with only instructors, you are left alone and will have the "Support" to contact if anything is inaccurate or wrong or if you have any questions. You are unlikely to talk to anyone personally on Google, Facebook, or Twitter about how you manage to post content on social media. And you are about to get used to doing the checkout yourself in grocery stores around the globe. Human interaction face-to-face is leaving us.

We feel sorry for this development because knowledge is best transported through stories. Told by a classic teacher in a classroom. But today's reality is different. There are instructors you will love telling more stories and teaching you more that you will never have the chance to chat with. Even if they are still alive, It might be Simon Sinek, Tony Robbins, or anyone famous for having a massive audience on Youtube or TED in any matter. And some great teachings on TED are still available, albeit the person is no more with us: like Hans Rosling. 

Excellent teaching is still within reach of these roles. 


The Grade System in KlickData KLMS

The Grade System in KlickData KLMS

Each language has its own Grade System in KLMS. 

In the naming of the Grade System that KLMS provides, we have (in parenthesis) defined the limits of percent required to get a Grade. 

Example: Eng. Grade System A-F is the default Grade System that is suggested when creating a test.  
A90 means if an Academy User (AU) takes the test and have 90% or more correct answers, the Test is passed with a grade of A. B80 means that the test results for the AUs that gets between 80& and 89% will be B.

For Academy Administrators (AA), the naming of the Grade System is created under the Admin Section and Menu Settings/ Grade Systems.  
If an Administrator has not named the Grade System, the AU might not know what is demanded to receive a specific Grade, which might be on purpose ahead of the Exam.  

KLMS grade system MA 200616

In creating a Grade System, the AA also sets a limit of Fail which will then be noted as Participation but will not get AU a Grade or Diploma.

The diploma limit is used when no grading is used and only one limit of "Pass". This limit can be set between 0 and 100%. So even if AU has zero answers correct, it will render a Diploma as long as he takes the test. 


The history of the e-course from Klick Data

The history of the e-course from Klick Data

An e-course is from Klick Data historical perspective a video tutorial with a teacher explaining a computer software program. It had a very consistent format. Like a Jeopardy show. It was 2 hours long in playtime. It was divided into 6 main chapters with 18 min of playtime in each chapter that had 6 subchapters with 3 min playtime. It was screen captures mixed with teacher coining in with chroma-key and explaining. Each e-course had a 3 min introduction of the whole course. And a wrap of each chapter and the whole course. Between the chapters, there were 3 multiple choice questions (MCQ) accompanied by some music. 

The consistency of the format made the customers aware of the extent of what they were buying. The course time was approximately about 3 times longer than the playtime since each user in order to learn had to practice in the software by following the steps described in the video by pause and train in front of the screen. 

Since the format was originally set on VHS (1992-1997), the interactive format had only a timeline. Back and forward. It was with its simplicity very simple, yet very strong. Simply put: You did not need to go a course to take the course. The complexity of VHS was limited to the ability to push a piece of plastic into a VHS-recorder and press play and pause. Back in the 1990ies, many people met personal computers for the first time and had to learn software since they did not learn this in school and they needed the skills in order to do the work they worked with at the Office. These people all know how to handle a VHS recorder (even though they could not program the time to be correct.)

An example of a video tutorial is "Introduction till Internet", a video tutorial that sold 435000 units in Sweden during 1994-1997. It's by far the most sold VHS in the educational sector ever in Sweden. Today it's possible to see it on YouTube. It is even stored at the Internet Museum as a landmark of the development of the Internet in Sweden at  https://arkiv.internetmuseum.se/videokassett-introduktion-till-internet-datorutbildning-pa-video/


CD-ROM course
When the video course moved from the dying format VHS into CD- ROM, the video course changed the name to e-course (from video tutorial) but Klick Data kept its concept, length and extended the computer software range with soft skills such as presentation, sales technics, and leadership. It was still 2 hours of video material playtime with a teacher explaining things the user needed to learn at work. The computer screen captures were changed to Powerpoint screenshots.

When CD-ROM was introduced in 1996, the complexity was kept as small as possible with an autostart of the course when CD_ROM was inserted into the Computer. The timeline with back and forward was added with the drag and drop-bar which today everybody is familiar with when scrolling in a video online. From 1996- 2005, the Internet at large for the common man was to slow for video transmissions. YouTube was introduced in 2005. Klick Data introduced the internet solution at the end of 2003 and put their e-courses into a learning platform system (LMS) called Klickportalen K3 or simply K3. Still, the support of how to handle CD-ROM was something we provided. 

The Search function of a subject was introduced in the CD-ROM but was even more useful in the K3 system since the search was available not only in the e-course but within the Library of Klick Data e-courses. If a function in Excel was in the Advanced Course and not in Basic, the Search tool gave the user instant access to this part of the course and he or she could learn this part of the software very easily. 

Over 500 e-course productions have been made by Klick Data in this format. Hence the e-course is a standard and well-established term in Sweden were the Klick Data has been working as their prime market. Outside Sweden, the concept of e-course was not the same accepted word. eCourse, video tutorial, the online course was used but it meant and still mean (in the year 2020) different things from different distributors within the EdTech industry. 

KLMS eCourse Win10 200419

Over the course of time, YouTube exploded and basically everything you need to learn today is at your fingertips in a few seconds. The development of a Learning Management System like the KLMS has therefore adjusted to this fact.

The business model for Klick Data is no longer to be E-Course Producer, creating e-courses, even though we provide this competence in the high-end spectrum of productions to our customers. Today, Klick Data helps companies to validate the knowledge they need to have within the organization in order for these companies to be more profitable. From the Internet vast source of great content to the internal production of course material that is not public. The ROI fo companies lie within to use the internally produced materials and present them to the staff in order for them to learn and develop the business. Klick Data helps companies transform their business with the LMS as a tool in order to get more effective serving customers.

As well as transform educational organizations such as Universities and Collages to make the best use of online training for students and provide the tools for the teachers and principals to monitor progress and reach educational goals. 


Using a syntax based way of saving documents is Quality Assurement

Using a syntax based way of saving documents is Quality Assurement
This is the formula for saving documents. 
kd :"short abbreviation of the company or signature, 2-3 letters maximum. In this case, kd or KD is equal to Klick Data
_”what”: The main purpose of the document. Example: Agreement, proposal, pitchdeck, template, etc.
_”specification: The "subheadline of "What" could be the client name, so it agrees with "client" ; it makes it easier to understand and find on a hard drive or among attachments in a mail.
_”version”: It is important to separate versions and work in progress. Example: alfa (just started), beta (on progress but not finished), final, final1
_Signature:  This can be added after the version so you know who has made it the last _EB (EB= Erik Bolinder or SS= Sherif Sayed. This is valuable info when you find a document after 14 days or a quarter.
_yymmdd: year, month, and date make it findable and sortable so you see the same document but with a different date; if it is 2nd version, the exact date add a b 240409b is the second version of the same document but you know it always is better than the 240409 version since you improved it.
_hhmm; You could also use the timestamp if you work on a shared document and save multiple instead of b,c, etc. Optional.
.fileformat ; This is set by the system like .pdf, .doc etc. But you will see the difference between a pdf and a doc-file of the same "file."
Using the syntax above makes all in the group cooperative :
We at Klick Data have worked with this since 2009, and we find all documents in a blink, no matter where they are. When they are sent or sent date.
Sometimes, it is not saved precisely, and sometimes, all underscore is unused. Still, if used with discipline, it will save a tremendous amount of time and eliminate distractions and comparisons between versions. Working with Klick Data furthers this order.

When searching for "_agreement," all files from 2009 appear in order. Etc. The system is like a wine cellar: It's getting better and better over time. Good luck! 
It's among our foundations of our Quality Assurements. See  KD_KlickData_Kvalitetspolicy_240409.pdf


Using Grammarly in KLMS when clean the replies from ChatGPT

Using Grammarly in KLMS when clean the replies from ChatGPT

When you have created prompt requests with KLMS and will edit the replies in Materials, you need to understand the power of Grammarly, a third-party solution. 

1. Install Grammarly from the Grammarly homepage. Pay for the service. 

2. Create Prompts with the Business class version of ChatGPT in KlickData KLMS. 

3. Edit with the KLMS tool and Grammarly. 

(3b. Personify and add text, so it's not apparent it is from the bot. )

4. Translate with Google Translate inside KLMS 

5. Export the file to text, CSV, or PDF for personal use. 


KD KLMS FAQ AI Grammarly1 230212

Grammarly has some tools for editing text. You can edit blue, green, and red underlined text. 

KD KLMS FAQ AI Grammarly1b 230212

Grammarly knows better English than ChatGPT. So you enhance the replies with this tool even if you don't know English well. 

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Funny enough: Even Grammarly could need some access to Grammarly! The screen is from the new Terms of Acceptable Use Policy!


What is a Course in KlickData Learning Management System

The Overview 

The Material, the Validation, and the Evaluation are all gathered in a Course. 

KLMS overview 200501


From the perspective of the KlickData KLMS perspective, a Course is a gathering of materials to learn from, tests to validate, and surveys to get feedback and evaluate the content and the experience from.

KD Material A 200501

Information that is "outside the head of a user" saved somewhere online or in the head of others, or in a book needs to be transferred to the inside the head of a user. Information needs to be transformed into knowledge.

KD Material2 200501

Material or information consists of many parts. The material can be online and offline.

Course items
Course items are parts of the Course; Plural for Material, Test, and Survey as a group. Ex. "The Course items are 6 in total and are divided into 3 Materials, 2 Tests and 1 Survey".

Offline Material / Text Material/ Information / Instructions / Assignment 

"Go to the Library and borrow a book" can be a part of a "Material" in a Course Plan. Its a Task and an assignment. 

- Be at a specific place 
- Read a book 
- Search on the Internet by googling a topic
- Discuss a topic with a friend/colleague
- Record a video or screen share 
- Go to a classroom at a specific time 
- Attend a conference 
- Meet a person 
- Make an interview 
- Have an assigned task that requires offline actions
- Have a group discussion
- Join a Zoom Call, Microsoft Teams, or a Skype Chat 
- Make homework 
- See a live event on Social media. 
Material offline is most of the time something that you need to do in order to get information. 
From the KlickData KLMS perspective: Its a Material that needs to be described. Text Material is the term we use since its a description rather than a digital issue. 

KLMS Material description red online material 200506

Online Material 
Online material is information that can be accessed from a browser. Normally by a link. It can be documents or files uploaded and only accessible inside the KLMS or information online on the Internet. It is digital in opposite to offline material. A word file, a PDF, a Powerpoint/ Keynote presentation, a Google Sheet link. Anything that has a direct connection with an action on a screen or a computer is online information and material in the KLMS context in order to transport knowledge from the screen to the user's head. 

Playtime versus Course Time.
An online course can have so many parts and be so different that you need to differentiate and get access to what type of material is involved as a consumer. You can have a teacher on video, Powerpoint presentations, Voiceovers, Interactive training built with many options of going through the course.

The material has playtime and a course time. The playtime is "how long the video is" in technical terms. It's technical and can be easily measured. The Course time or Duration focus on the time it takes to learn and "consume" the material and it includes homework, reflections, stops, and practice. It also takes participation time, repeat time, and the time to complete the test and surveys. Course time/ Duration is an estimation. It is an individual term but yet important as a concept. Since we are different in our background heritage, the way we adopt new information and how well focused we are at different times. The whole idea of education is to transform information to Knowledge, knowledge to understanding, and understanding into wisdom. Course Duration is an estimation. 

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Example. You can estimate the time it normally tales to read a text of 2500 words. Let's say 20 minutes. You can set the test time to 15 minutes. And them a Survey of 3 minutes. So the three tasks within this course in the Course Plan would be set to 20+25+3 minutes= 48 minutes. The time to complete would differ from person to person. And it also includes disturbance and time to get back to focus if disturbed. 

With course time estimated from the Course Creator, the user will know what will be required of him in order to take the Course and get his certification. The duration of the Course. It will also budget the company efforts of the individual educational plan for each staff member in the LXP, (Learning Experience Platform) that companies now start to use to get everybody on the move to increase the value of the staff members on an individual basis and on the company level with online training as the boosting tool. 

An e-course is from Klick Data's historical perspective a video tutorial with a teacher explaining a computer software program. The e-courses from Klick Data had 2 hours of playtime. The e-courses were divided into 6 main chapters with 18 min of playtime in each chapter that had 6 subchapters with 3 min playtime. It was screen captures mixed with teachers coining in with chroma-key and explaining. Each e-course had a 3 min introduction of the whole course with a wrap of each chapter and the whole course. Between the chapters, there were 3 multiple choice questions (MCQ) accompanied by some music. See an example of an e-course and read more in the article https://klickdata.se/faq-klms/the-history-of-the-e-course-from-klick-data

Multimedia course (MUC)
A MUC, an abbreviation from a multimedia course, is a more complicated production than an e-course. And has different formats depending on the producer. It is designed with many options in order to learn. It can be a shorter course time than playtime due to the fact that in order for the user to pass the exam, he does not need to go through all material. He can skip parts and go more quickly to the validation and certification based on knowledge is already previously acquired and the design of the multimedia production is cleverly made.

Tools for this type of multimedia production can be many, like Articulate. It can also be made in many other tools. It needs a script, a design, and has a complexity involved that is best suited for people with experience. Many times a Powerpoint or Keynote software is enough to create multimedia productions. In the terminology of Klick Data, multimedia productions do not have a clear ending and a start. It is a course with lots of options for going from start to end. Playtime and course time is still factors for consumer transparency. Business standard practice is used with SCORM 1.2 - SCORM 1.4 in order for a MUC to be used in different systems and data can be transported between systems. 

The test is a validation of knowledge. A course can lack a test. A test can be hard or easy. In order to pass validation, a Grade system is used. You can complete a Course without a Test being passed, in the sense "Done what you were supposed to do in order to learn the subject, but fail to learn in sense did not pass the test qualifications" See more in Terminology about Test

A survey gives feedback on the course. Was it interesting? Was it valuable? Can something be improved? If the Survey is used at a broader scale, it gives the management important information from the organization in order to learn and adapt the business. The purpose of KLMS is to make companies more profitable and hence Surveys is both a vital part of KLMS and a tool itself by their own merits, Survey can be part of a Course but also a Course Plan by itself being the sole Course Item. A Company Surveyor Management Survey if you like to call it. See more in Terminology about Survey
And read more on how to improve the flow of feedback within the organization


What types of MCQ questions can be added into the KLMS Tests and Quizzes

What types of MCQ questions can be added into the KLMS Tests and Quizzes

What is the purpose of a test? Is it purely to scratch on the surface and ensure the Academy User assigned to take the test has not been sleeping? Or is it a test for an exam that will matter of carrier choice or life and death that demands seriousness and thoughtful thinking before publishing?  Either way, All kinds of Tests in all its variation can be created in the KLMS system with the Create Course tool or Create Test tool. 

KLMS MCQ 3 types for general MCQ, Corporate MCQ and Material MCQ

For the purpose of understanding the different types of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ) and Single Choice questions (SCQ), we have made a list below. 

As we define the three main types of MCQs: There are three (3) types :

  • General MCC = GMCQ
  • Corporate MCQ  = ITCQ and
  • Material MCQ = MMCQ 

They all fit within the Learning Management System but are used differently. And have variations in usefulness. All MCQ types have their defined purposes. 

Note: This an excellent guide to read to create a good set of multiple-choice questions; please read https://wokcraft.com/create

See How to Create a Test in KLMS.


Which platforms does the online training system KLMS work on?

Which platforms does the online training system KLMS work on?

Which platforms does the online learning management system KLMS work on? Is the interface responsive?

KlickData KLMS is a service that works on all operating systems (Mac/PC) and browsers, as well as on computers, tablets/iPads, smartphones, and mobiles with iOS and Android via browsers through responsive design adapted to all screen sizes.


The interface and UX experience in KLMS is updated daily on weekdays during the development work in the small and the large so that every pixel and view should be experienced as simple and obvious to the user regardless of the platform used or the language. On our FAQ pages, many pages are therefore not updated with the latest interface. Klick Data's motto is simplicity.


Steve Jobs once said, “Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like — design is how it works.

His quote speaks volumes about why designing something doesn't end with something looking good. It also means that the user interface is intuitive enough to use without much training. This aspiration drives us at Klick Data every day on our mission when we shape the "Facebook of Knowledge": The global knowledge system KLMS that a billion people can use as their standard for knowledge transfer.


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